Hillol Modak has Published 14 Articles

Robots Meta Tag & X-Robots-Tag: Everything You Need to Know

Hillol Modak

Hillol Modak

Updated on 01-Jun-2023 12:29:13


The Robots Meta Tag and X-Robots-Tag are two commonly utilized HTML labels that enlightening to look motor crawlers and other web robots. These labels can control how your web pages are recorded and shown in look comes about. What is Robot Meta tag? The Robots Meta Tag is an HTML ... Read More

Faceted Navigation: Best Practices for SEO

Hillol Modak

Hillol Modak

Updated on 01-Jun-2023 12:23:09


What is Faceted Navigation? Faceted navigation (or faceted search) is a style of routing that may be seen on the category/archive sections of websites with many entries. Its goal is to make it easier for consumers to locate the items they're seeking by providing numerous filtering depending on listing criteria. ... Read More

Content distribution network (CDN): All that you want to know

Hillol Modak

Hillol Modak

Updated on 01-Jun-2023 12:20:50


A content delivery network (CDN) is an international network comprised of computers that stores information close to end users. A CDN allows for the quick distribution of materials needed to perform online downloads, including pages on the internet, based on java documents, stylesheets, images, and multimedia. CDN services are becoming ... Read More

9 Easy Local Link Building Tactics

Hillol Modak

Hillol Modak

Updated on 01-Jun-2023 12:19:40


If we consider link building, the usual approach is to desire highly authority sites that link directly to the websites - and as many of these as feasible. On the other hand, acquiring backlinks for minor organizations might be extremely difficult, particularly if no one knows of you. If you've ... Read More
