Hafeezul Kareem has Published 344 Articles

Audio processing using Pydub and Google Speech Recognition API in Python

Hafeezul Kareem

Hafeezul Kareem

Updated on 01-Nov-2019 08:19:42


In this tutorial, we are going to work with the audio files. We will breakdown the audio into chunks to recognize the content in it. We will store the content of the audio files in text files as well. Install the following modules using the below commands.pip install pydubIf you ... Read More

Barnsley Fern in Python

Hafeezul Kareem

Hafeezul Kareem

Updated on 01-Nov-2019 08:11:37


In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the Barnsley Fern, which is created by Michael Barnsley. The features of Barnsley Fern is similar to the fern shape. It is created by iterating over the four mathematical equations known as Iterated Function System(IFS). The transformation has the following formula.f(x, ... Read More

Basic Python Programming Challenges

Hafeezul Kareem

Hafeezul Kareem

Updated on 01-Nov-2019 08:06:14


In this tutorial, we are going to write a solution for a challenge.ChallengeWe have to generate a random set of basic arithmetic operations. The user will give the number of questions, and we have to generate questions. After every question, the user will answer it. At the end of the ... Read More

Data analysis and Visualization with Python program

Hafeezul Kareem

Hafeezul Kareem

Updated on 01-Nov-2019 07:58:30


In this tutorial, we are going to learn about data analysis and visualization using modules like pandas and matplotlib in Python. Python is an excellent fit for the data analysis things. Install the modules pandas and matplotlib using the following commands.pip install pandaspip install matplotlibYou will get a success message ... Read More

Automated software testing with Python

Hafeezul Kareem

Hafeezul Kareem

Updated on 01-Nov-2019 07:51:47


In this tutorial, we are going to learn about automating testing in Python. After writing code, we have to test them by giving different types of input and check whether the code is working correctly or not.We can do it manually or automatically. Doing manual testing is very hard. So, ... Read More

type and isinstance in Python program

Hafeezul Kareem

Hafeezul Kareem

Updated on 01-Nov-2019 07:49:32


In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the type and isinstance built-in functions of Python. These functions are used to determine the type of an object in general. Let's see them one by one.type(object)type is used to know the type of an object. For example, if we have ... Read More

Program to reverse an array up to a given position in Python

Hafeezul Kareem

Hafeezul Kareem

Updated on 27-Aug-2019 13:02:36


In this tutorial, we will learn how to reverse an array upto a given position. Let's see the problem statement.We have an array of integers and a number n. Our goal is to reverse the elements of the array from the 0th index to (n-1)th index. For example, Input array ... Read More

Python program to remove leading zeros from an IP address

Hafeezul Kareem

Hafeezul Kareem

Updated on 27-Aug-2019 12:52:36


In this tutorial, we are going to write a program which removes leading zeros from the Ip address. Let's see what is exactly is. Let's say we have an IP address, then we have to convert it into Follow the below procedure to write the program.Initialize the IP address.Split ... Read More

Python program to merge two Dictionaries

Hafeezul Kareem

Hafeezul Kareem

Updated on 27-Aug-2019 12:48:32


In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to combine two dictionaries in Python. Let's see some ways to merge two dictionaries.update() methodFirst, we will see the inbuilt method of dictionary update() to merge. The update() method returns None object and combines two dictionaries into one. Let's see the ... Read More

Python program to find all close matches of input string from a list

Hafeezul Kareem

Hafeezul Kareem

Updated on 27-Aug-2019 12:23:17


In this tutorial, we are going to find a solution to a problem. Let's see what the problem is. We have a list of strings and an element. We have to find strings from a list in which they must closely match to the given element. See the example.Inputs strings ... Read More
