Gireesha Devara has Published 248 Articles

How to convert an integer to a character in Python?

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 23-Aug-2023 18:36:02

22K+ Views

To convert an integer to a character in Python, we can use the chr() method. The chr() is a Python built−in method that returns a character from an integer. The method takes an integer value and returns a unicode character corresponding to that integer. Syntax char(number) Parameter The method ... Read More

How do we evaluate a string and return an object in Python?

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 23-Aug-2023 18:19:54


By using the eval() function in python we can evaluate a string and return a python object. The eval() is a python built−In function that evaluates a string argument by parsing the string as a code expression. Syntax eval(expression[, globals[, locals]]) Parameters expression: It’s a string that ... Read More

How can I convert Python strings into tuple?

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 23-Aug-2023 18:08:29

3K+ Views

We can convert a python string into tuple by simply mentioning a comma (, ) after the string. This will treat the string as a single element to the tuple. Here our string variable “s” is treated as one item in the tuple, which can be done by adding the ... Read More

OpenCV Python Program to analyze an image using Histogram

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 31-May-2023 15:18:14


A histogram is a graphical representation showing how the pixel intensities (ranging from 0 to 255) are distributed in an image. For a digital image histogram plots a graph between pixel intensity versus the number of pixels. The x-axis has intensity variations, and the y-axis indicates the number of pixels ... Read More

Negative transformation of an image using Python and OpenCV

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 31-May-2023 15:14:42

1K+ Views

An image with reversed brightness is referred a negative image, in which the light parts of the image appear dark and the darker parts appear lighter. The negative transformation of a colored image (RGB image) will be reversed, with red areas appearing cyan, greens appearing magenta, and blues appearing yellow. ... Read More

Get video duration using OpenCV Python

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 31-May-2023 15:09:07

5K+ Views

OpenCV is an Open Source Computer Vision Library in python. It provides numerous functions to perform various Image and video processing operations. The library uses the Numpy module to represent all the video frames and images as a ndarray type. It needs the numpy library, we need to make sure ... Read More

Draw a triangle with centroid using OpenCV

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 31-May-2023 14:50:29


The centroid is also called the geometric center; it is defined as the center point of the object. Whereas the centroid of a triangle is defined as the point of intersection of all three medians of a triangle. Calculating the Centroid of a triangle: Let’s consider an ABC ... Read More

Drawing a cross on an image with OpenCV

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 30-May-2023 17:28:00

1K+ Views

OpenCV is an Open Source Computer Vision Library in python. It provides numerous functions to perform various Image and video processing operations. The library uses the Numpy module to represent all the video frames and images as a ndarray type. It needs the numpy library, we need to make sure ... Read More

Draw Multiple Rectangles in Image using OpenCV Python

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 30-May-2023 16:31:22


OpenCV is an Open Source Computer Vision Library in python. It provides numerous functions to perform various Image and video processing operations. The library uses the Numpy module to represent all the video frames and images as a ndarray type. It needs the numpy library, we need to make sure ... Read More

Removing Black Background and Make Transparent using OpenCV Python

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 30-May-2023 16:25:57

2K+ Views

In digital images, Transparency is the functionality that supports transparent areas in an image or image layer. For image processing/image editing, background removing is allowing us to highlight the subject of the photo and create a transparent background to place the subject into various new designs and destinations. Certain image ... Read More

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