Gireesha Devara has Published 248 Articles

How to get the rows by using pandas series.first() method?

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 07-Mar-2022 07:56:40


The pandas series.first() method is supposed to return initial periods based on the dates. By applying this method we can get the initial periods of the time series data based on a date offset.It has a parameter called offset and also we can mention the length of the offset data ... Read More

How to retrieve rows of a series object by regular expression in the pandas filter method?

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 07-Mar-2022 07:52:36


By using the regex parameter we can apply the regular expression to the filter() method and this helps to retrieve the rows of the series object. The basic working of series.filter() method in pandas series constructor is used to subset the rows of a series object based on the index ... Read More

What does the pandas series.filter() method do?

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 07-Mar-2022 07:46:21


The series.filter() method in the pandas series constructor is used to subset the rows of a series object based on the index labels. The filter method does not work for the content of the series object, it is only applied to the index labels of the series object.The method won’t ... Read More

How does the pandas series.expanding() method work?

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 07-Mar-2022 07:43:15

1K+ Views

The series.expanding() method is one of the window methods of pandas and it Provides expanding transformations. And it returns a window subclassed for the particular operation.The parameters for this method are min_periods, center, axis, and method. The default value for the min_periods is 1 and it also takes an integer ... Read More

How does the pandas series.ffill() method work?

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 07-Mar-2022 07:36:09

2K+ Views

The pandas series.ffill() method works equal to the series.fillna() with “method = ffill” function or we can say that the series.ffill() is a synonym for the forward fill method.The series.ffill() method replaces the Nan or NA values in the given series object using the forward fill method. The parameters for ... Read More

How to replace NaN values of a series with the mean of elements using the fillna() method?

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 07-Mar-2022 07:31:02

17K+ Views

In the process of pandas data cleaning, replacing missing values takes a very important role and in some conditions we must replace those missing values with the mean of series elements. This can be done by using the fillna() method.The basic operation of this pandas series.fillna() method is used to ... Read More

How to use pandas series.fillna() to replace missing values?

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 07-Mar-2022 07:22:57

2K+ Views

The pandas series.fillna() method is used to replace missing values with a specified value. This method replaces the Nan or NA values in the entire series object.The parameters of pandas fillna are as follows −Value − it allows us to specify a particular value to replace Nan’s, by default it ... Read More

What is the basic operation of pandas Series.factorize() function?

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 07-Mar-2022 07:13:36


The pandas Series.factorize() method is used to encode the series object as an enumerated type or categorical variable. This method generates the numeric representation of the series data.The output of this Series.factorize() method is a tuple and it has two elements one is indicating codes and another element indicates uniques.Example ... Read More

How to unnest (explode) a row in a pandas series?

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 07-Mar-2022 07:10:17

1K+ Views

If some of the elements in the series object have lists, then we can unnest those list elements into multiple rows of the series object. Unnesting is nothing but exploding the lists into rows.So this transformation can be done easily with the help of the pandas series.explode() method. This method ... Read More

How does the pandas series.equals() method handle the null values?

Gireesha Devara

Gireesha Devara

Updated on 07-Mar-2022 07:03:26

2K+ Views

It is very common to have missing values in a series object, and if you want to compare that type of series objects then the ordinary comparison does not work because nan != nan, In that case, we can use the equals() method. The equals() method considers Nan’s in the ... Read More
