Ginni has Published 1580 Articles

What is Array Name Representation in Symbol Table?



Updated on 08-Nov-2021 09:48:48


It is a data structure including data for each identifier, fields for the attribute of the identifier. The data structure enables us to find the data for each identifier fastly and to save or retrieve the information for that record quickly.The symbol table is searched each time a name is ... Read More

What is Backpatching of Boolean Expressions and Control Statements in compiler design?



Updated on 08-Nov-2021 09:43:57

3K+ Views

The simplest way to execute syntax-directed translation is to use two passes. First, construct a syntax tree for the input and then walk the tree in depth-first order, completing the translations given in definition.The major issue with generating code for Boolean expression and flow of control statements in a single ... Read More

What is representation of fixed-length and variablelength array representation in the symbol table?



Updated on 08-Nov-2021 04:37:11

1K+ Views

Symbol Table is a data structure that supports an effective and efficient way of storing data about various names occurring in the source code. These names are used in the source code to identify the different program elements, like a variable, constants, procedures, and the labels of statements.The symbol table ... Read More

What is Backpatching?



Updated on 05-Nov-2021 12:07:24

14K+ Views

While generating three address codes for the given expression, it can specify the address of the Label in goto statements. It is very difficult to assign locations of these label statements in one pass so, two passes are used. In the first pass, it can leave these addresses unspecified & ... Read More

What is translation of control statements in compiler design?



Updated on 05-Nov-2021 12:04:39

12K+ Views

Control statements are the statements that change the flow of execution of statements.Consider the GrammarS → if E then S1        |if E then S1 else S2         |while E do S1In this grammar, E is the Boolean expression depending upon which S1 or S2 will ... Read More

What are Boolean Expressions?



Updated on 05-Nov-2021 11:58:53

5K+ Views

Boolean means True or False. It can also be represented by 1 or 0.Boolean Expression is the expression that returns true or false. Boolean Expression can be represented in two ways−Conditional ExpressionsFor example, If a > b{     cout Y)A = B + CSolution(1) If A < B goto(4)(2) ... Read More

What is Control Statements?



Updated on 05-Nov-2021 11:57:20

17K+ Views

Control statements are the statements that change the flow of execution of statements. For example, If, If-else, Switch-Case, while-do statements. In programming languages, Boolean expressions are used toAlter the flow of control− Boolean expressions are used as conditional expressions in a statement that alter the flow of control. The value ... Read More

What is assignment statements with Integer types in compiler design?



Updated on 05-Nov-2021 11:09:39

4K+ Views

Assignment statements consist of an expression. It involves only integer variables.Abstract Translation SchemeConsider the grammar, which consists of an assignment statement.S → id = EE → E + EE → E ∗ EE → −EE → (E)E → idHere Translation of E can have two attributes −𝐄. 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄− It tells ... Read More

Construct Quadruples, Triples, and Indirect Triples for the expression-(a + b) * (c + d) - (a + b + c)



Updated on 05-Nov-2021 10:58:52

29K+ Views

SolutionFirst of all this statement will be converted into Three Address Code as−t1 = a + bt2 = −t1t3 = c + dt4 = t2 ∗ t3t5 = t1 + ct6 = t4 − t5QuadrupleLocationOperatorarg 1arg 2Result(0)+abt1(1)−t1t2(2)+cdt3(3)∗t2t3t4(4)+t1ct5(5)−t4t5t6                            ... Read More

What is Implementation of Three Address Code Statements?



Updated on 05-Nov-2021 10:53:03

8K+ Views

There are three implementations used for three address code statements which are as follows −QuadruplesTriplesIndirect TriplesQuadruplesQuadruple is a structure that contains atmost four fields, i.e., operator, Argument 1, Argument 2, and Result.OperatorArgument 1Argument 2ResultFor a statement a = b + c, Quadruple Representation places + in the operator field, a ... Read More
