Ginni has Published 1580 Articles

What is Hoeffding Tree Algorithm?



Updated on 25-Nov-2021 07:54:06

3K+ Views

The Hoeffding tree algorithm is a decision tree learning method for stream data classification. It was initially used to track Web clickstreams and construct models to predict which Web hosts and Web sites a user is likely to access. It typically runs in sublinear time and produces a nearly identical ... Read More

What is BIRCH?



Updated on 25-Nov-2021 07:47:53


BIRCH represents Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering Using Hierarchies. It is designed for clustering a huge amount of numerical records by integration of hierarchical clustering and other clustering methods including iterative partitioning.BIRCH offers two concepts, clustering feature and clustering feature tree (CF tree), which are used to summarize cluster description. ... Read More

What is a distance-based outlier?



Updated on 25-Nov-2021 07:46:20

2K+ Views

An object o in a data set S is a distance-based (DB) outlier with parameters p and d, i.e., DB (p, d), if minimum a fraction p of the objects in S lie at a distance higher than d from o. In other words, instead of depending on statistical tests, ... Read More

What is Conceptual Clustering?



Updated on 24-Nov-2021 11:19:48

2K+ Views

Conceptual clustering is a form of clustering in machine learning that, given a set of unlabeled objects, makes a classification design over the objects. Unlike conventional clustering, which generally identifies groups of like objects, conceptual clustering goes one step further by also discovering characteristic definitions for each group, where each ... Read More

What is Semi-Supervised Cluster Analysis?



Updated on 24-Nov-2021 10:55:56

6K+ Views

Semi-supervised clustering is a method that partitions unlabeled data by creating the use of domain knowledge. It is generally expressed as pairwise constraints between instances or just as an additional set of labeled instances.The quality of unsupervised clustering can be essentially improved using some weak structure of supervision, for instance, ... Read More

What are the types of Constraint-Based Cluster Analysis?



Updated on 24-Nov-2021 10:53:53

3K+ Views

Constraint-based clustering finds clusters that satisfy user-stated preferences or constraints. It is based on the nature of the constraints, constraint-based clustering can adopt instead of different approaches. There are several categories of constraints which are as follows −Constraints on individual objects − It can define constraints on the objects to ... Read More

What is Expectation-Maximization?



Updated on 24-Nov-2021 10:11:39


The EM (Expectation-Maximization) algorithm is a famous iterative refinement algorithm that can be used for discovering parameter estimates. It can be considered as an extension of the k-means paradigm, which creates an object to the cluster with which it is most similar, depending on the cluster mean.EM creates each object ... Read More

Why is wavelet transformation useful for clustering?



Updated on 24-Nov-2021 07:10:54

1K+ Views

WaveCluster is a multiresolution clustering algorithm that first summarizes the records by imposing a multidimensional grid architecture onto the data space. It can use a wavelet transformation to change the original feature space, finding dense domains in the transformed space.In this method, each grid cell summarizes the data of a ... Read More

What is Grid Based Methods?



Updated on 24-Nov-2021 07:08:44

16K+ Views

The grid-based clustering methods use a multi-resolution grid data structure. It quantizes the object areas into a finite number of cells that form a grid structure on which all of the operations for clustering are implemented. The benefit of the method is its quick processing time, which is generally independent ... Read More

What is a Chameleon?



Updated on 24-Nov-2021 07:01:08

4K+ Views

Chameleon is a hierarchical clustering algorithm that uses dynamic modeling to decide the similarity among pairs of clusters. It was changed based on the observed weaknesses of two hierarchical clustering algorithms such as ROCK and CURE.ROCK and related designs emphasize cluster interconnectivity while neglecting data regarding cluster proximity. CURE and ... Read More
