Ginni has Published 1580 Articles

What is Data Characteristics?



Updated on 14-Feb-2022 12:13:01

2K+ Views

The following are some characteristics of data that can strongly affect cluster analysis which is as follows −High Dimensionality − In high-dimensional data sets, the traditional Euclidean concept of density, which is the several points per unit volume, becomes significant. It is considered that as the multiple dimensions increase, the ... Read More

What is the difference between K-Means and DBSCAN?



Updated on 14-Feb-2022 12:10:58

9K+ Views

K-MeansK-means clustering is the partitioning algorithm. K-means recreates each data in the dataset to only one of the new clusters formed. A data or data point is assigned to the adjacent cluster using a measure of distance or similarity.In k-means, an object is generated to the nearest center. It can ... Read More

What are the elements in Hierarchical clustering?



Updated on 14-Feb-2022 11:39:03


A hierarchical clustering approach operates by merging data objects into a tree of clusters. Hierarchical clustering algorithms are top-down or bottom-up. The feature of accurate hierarchical clustering techniques degenerates from its lack to perform adjustment because a merge or split decision is completed.There are various elements of hierarchical clustering which ... Read More

What is Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering?



Updated on 14-Feb-2022 11:36:52

3K+ Views

Agglomerative Hierarchical clustering is a bottom-up clustering approach where clusters have sub-clusters, which consecutively have sub-clusters, etc. It starts by locating every object in its cluster and then combines these atomic clusters into higher and higher clusters until some objects are in a single cluster or until it needs a ... Read More

What is the Bisecting K-Means?



Updated on 14-Feb-2022 11:32:59

4K+ Views

The bisecting K-means algorithm is a simple development of the basic K-means algorithm that depends on a simple concept such as to acquire K clusters, split the set of some points into two clusters, choose one of these clusters to split, etc., until K clusters have been produced.The k-means algorithm ... Read More

What are the additional issues of K-Means Algorithm in data mining?



Updated on 14-Feb-2022 10:26:01

8K+ Views

There are various issues of the K-Means Algorithm which are as follows −Handling Empty Clusters − The first issue with the basic K-means algorithm given prior is that null clusters can be acquired if no points are allocated to a cluster during the assignment phase. If this occurs, then a ... Read More

What is K-means clustering?



Updated on 14-Feb-2022 10:20:04

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K-means clustering is the most common partitioning algorithm. K-means reassigns each data in the dataset to only one of the new clusters formed. A record or data point is assigned to the nearest cluster using a measure of distance or similarity.The k-means algorithm creates the input parameter, k, and division ... Read More

What are the types of clusters in data mining?



Updated on 14-Feb-2022 10:01:41


Cluster analysis is used to form groups or clusters of the same records depending on various measures made on these records. It can define the clusters in ways that can be beneficial for the objective of the analysis. This data has been used in several areas, such as astronomy, archaeology, ... Read More

What are the types of Clustering in data mining?



Updated on 14-Feb-2022 09:59:59

1K+ Views

There are various types of clustering which are as follows −Hierarchical vs Partitional − The perception between several types of clusterings is whether the set of clusters is nested or unnested, or in popular terminology, hierarchical or partitional. A partitional clustering is a distribution of the group of data objects ... Read More

What are the examples of clustering in data mining?



Updated on 14-Feb-2022 09:56:26

4K+ Views

The process of combining a set of physical or abstract objects into classes of the same objects is known as clustering. A cluster is a set of data objects that are the same as one another within the same cluster and are disparate from the objects in other clusters. A ... Read More
