Ginni has Published 1580 Articles

What are the mining multidimensional association rules from relational databases and data warehouses?



Updated on 15-Feb-2022 10:18:15

4K+ Views

Association rule learning is a type of unsupervised learning technique that tests for the dependency of one data element on another data element and maps accordingly so that it can be more commercial. It tries to discover some interesting relations or associations between the variables of the dataset. It depends ... Read More

What are the mining multilevel association rules from transactional databases?



Updated on 15-Feb-2022 10:13:50

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The approaches to mining multilevel association rules are based on the supportconfidence framework. The top-down strategy is employed where counts are accumulated for the calculation of frequent itemsets at each concept level, starting at concept level 1 and working towards the lower specific concept levels until more frequent itemsets can ... Read More

What are the types of Web Mining?



Updated on 15-Feb-2022 10:11:32

7K+ Views

Web mining defines the process of using data mining techniques to extract beneficial patterns trends and data generally with the help of the web by dealing with it from web-based records and services, server logs, and hyperlinks. The main goal of web mining is to find the designs in web ... Read More

What is the difference between Bagging and Boosting?



Updated on 15-Feb-2022 10:07:02

1K+ Views

BaggingBagging is also known as bootstrap aggregation. It is the ensemble learning method that is generally used to reduce variance within a noisy dataset. In bagging, a random sample of data in a training set is selected with replacement meaning that the single data points can be selected more than ... Read More

What are the tools of data mining?



Updated on 15-Feb-2022 10:04:54


There are various tools of data mining which are as follows −MonkeyLearn − MonkeyLearn is a machine learning platform that specializes in text mining. It is accessible in a user-friendly interface, so it can simply integrate MonkeyLearn with existing tools to implement data mining in real-time. It can begin immediately ... Read More

What are the techniques of data mining?



Updated on 15-Feb-2022 10:03:15

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Data mining is the process of finding useful new correlations, patterns, and trends by transferring through a high amount of data saved in repositories, using pattern recognition technologies including statistical and mathematical techniques. It is the analysis of factual datasets to discover unsuspected relationships and to summarize the records in ... Read More

What are the techniques of Text Mining?



Updated on 15-Feb-2022 10:01:42

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Text mining is also known as text analysis. It is the procedure of transforming unstructured text into structured data for simple analysis. Text mining applies natural language processing (NLP), enabling machines to know the human language and process it automatically.Text mining is an automatic process that uses natural language processing ... Read More

What is the Process of Text Mining?



Updated on 15-Feb-2022 09:56:02

3K+ Views

Text mining is also known as text analysis. It is the process of transforming unstructured text into structured data for easy analysis. Text mining needs natural language processing (NLP), enabling devices to learn the human language and process it automatically.It is defined as the process of extracting essential data from ... Read More

What are the estimation methods in data mining?



Updated on 15-Feb-2022 09:55:28


Tenfold cross-validation is the standard way of measuring the error rate of a learning scheme on a particular dataset; for reliable results, 10 times tenfold cross-validation. There are two methods are leave-one-out cross-validation and bootstrap.Leave-One-Out Cross-ValidationLeave-one-out cross-validation is openly n-fold cross-validation, where n is the multiple instances in the dataset. ... Read More

What is the need of Text Mining?



Updated on 15-Feb-2022 09:53:58


Text mining is also known as text analysis. It is the procedure of transforming unstructured text into structured data for simple analysis. Text mining applies natural language processing (NLP), enabling machines to know the human language and process it automatically.It is defined as the process of extracting essential information from ... Read More
