Ginni has Published 1580 Articles

Explain the TCP Connection Management



Updated on 05-May-2021 07:13:52

25K+ Views

The connection is established in TCP using the three-way handshake as discussed earlier to create a connection. One side, say the server, passively stays for an incoming link by implementing the LISTEN and ACCEPT primitives, either determining a particular other side or nobody in particular.The other side performs a connect ... Read More

What is the TCP Segment Header?



Updated on 05-May-2021 07:12:48

26K+ Views

Every TCP segment consists of a 20 byte fixed format header. Header options may follow the fixed header. With a header so that it can tag up to 65535 data bytes.The TCP header format is shown in the figure below −Source PortIt is a 16-bit source port number used by ... Read More

Explain the TCP Service Model in Computer Network



Updated on 05-May-2021 07:11:14

6K+ Views

In TCP service, the sender and receiver needs to create endpoints called sockets. Each socket has an address which is made up of two parts.An IP address of the host.A port number that is 16 bit local to host (source or destination)Both are collectively called socket addresses. A port is ... Read More

Describe the Transport Layer in the Computer Network



Updated on 05-May-2021 07:07:06


The transport layer is a fourth layer from the top. The transport layer's central role is to support the broadcasting services precisely to the application procedures running on multiple hosts.It includes the transport service of the session layer entities quality, where quality is determined in the condition of residual error ... Read More

What is Distance Vector Routing Algorithm?



Updated on 05-May-2021 07:06:16

3K+ Views

The Distance-Vector routing algorithm is known by other names. Bellman-Ford routing algorithm and the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm are generally distributed after the researchers create it (Bellman 1957, and Ford and Fulkerson, 1962).FeaturesFollowing are the features of the distance vector routing are −The routers send the knowledge of the whole autonomous framework.Sharing ... Read More

What is a Non-Adaptive Routing Algorithm?



Updated on 05-May-2021 06:57:25


Non-adaptive algorithm or static routing is independent of the current traffic and topology volume. They determine the route to which a datagram is to send off-line. The route is computed and downloaded to the routers when the network is booted. Thus, routing data is manually specified. It provides fixed-route data ... Read More

What are the functions of Network Layer?



Updated on 05-May-2021 06:56:40

2K+ Views

The network layer offers its functions to the transport layer, and for that, it takes services of the data link layer. Its functions are carried out by adding a header to every Network Service data unit (N-SDU). This header is in the form of Protocol Control Information (PCI). Thus a ... Read More

What is Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)?



Updated on 05-May-2021 06:53:20

1K+ Views

PPP is a protocol that is generally used to provide similar functionality as SLIP. It is the best robust protocol that can transfer different types of packets also along with IP Packets. It can also be needed for dial-up and hired router-router lines. It generally supports the framing techniques to ... Read More

Explain the HDLC Operational and Non-Operational Modes



Updated on 05-May-2021 06:52:42


A mode in HDLC is the realigning between two machines contained in a network. The mode describes who controls the link. HDLC determines three types of stations such as primary, secondary, and combined.A primary station is a controlling station on a connection. It controls the secondary stations on the connection ... Read More

What is High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC)?



Updated on 05-May-2021 06:51:11

2K+ Views

The HDLC process is regulated by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This is possible for high-speed communication of a high amount of information. The necessary control process cannot support this communication.The HDLC process has been regulated and established on the SDLC. In addition to the characters, bit strings of ... Read More
