Ginni has Published 1580 Articles

What is the performance of Load-use delay in Computer Architecture?



Updated on 20-Jul-2021 07:41:35


In this section, we are concerned with an important performance measure of pipelined load/store processing such as load-use delay. The value of the load-use delay is a characteristic attribute of pipelined execution of loads. Large load-use values can seriously impede processor performance, especially in a superscalar processor.Load-use delays arise from ... Read More

What is the Pipelined execution of Load/Store Instructions in Computer Architecture?



Updated on 20-Jul-2021 07:39:19

1K+ Views

Load and Stores are frequent operations, especially in RISC code. While executing RISC code we can expect to encounter about 25-35% load instructions and about 10% store instructions. Hence, it is one of big significance to execute load and store instructions effectively.It can summarize the subtasks which have to be ... Read More

What is the implementation of FX Pipelines in Computer Architecture?



Updated on 20-Jul-2021 07:38:04


FX Pipelines can be implemented as either universal or dedicated FX units. Furthermore, a processor can incorporate either a single universal unit multiple universal units.Single Universal FX UnitsAll earlier and some current designs employ a single universal FX Pipeline, which is a single FX unit as shown in the figure. ... Read More

What is logical layout of FX Pipelines in Computer Architecture?



Updated on 20-Jul-2021 07:36:38


A logical layout of an FX pipeline consists, first of the specification of how many stages an FX pipeline has and what tasks are to be performed in these stages. The other key aspect of the design space is how FX pipelines are implemented. FX pipeline can be interpreted in ... Read More

How does pipelining improve performance in computer architecture?



Updated on 20-Jul-2021 07:35:08

5K+ Views

Performance in an unpipelined processor is characterized by the cycle time and the execution time of the instructions. In the case of pipelined execution, instruction processing is interleaved in the pipeline rather than performed sequentially as in non-pipelined processors. Therefore the concept of the execution time of instruction has no ... Read More

What is the layout of Pipelined Instruction in computer architecture?



Updated on 20-Jul-2021 07:31:18


Pipelined instruction processing covers two key elements as the specification, or logical layout, and the implementation of instruction pipelines. The logical layout determines the tasks to be adept. It consists of the declaration of the pipelines to be executed and for each of the pipelines a detailed specification of the ... Read More

What is the structure of Pipelining in Computer Architecture?



Updated on 20-Jul-2021 07:25:33

3K+ Views

Pipelining defines the temporal overlapping of processing. Pipelines are emptiness greater than assembly lines in computing that can be used either for instruction processing or, in a more general method, for executing any complex operations. It can be used efficiently only for a sequence of the same task, much similar ... Read More

What are the approaches of Instruction Scheduling?



Updated on 20-Jul-2021 07:18:39

4K+ Views

When instructions are handled in parallel, it is required to detect and resolve dependencies between instructions. It can generally discuss dependency detection and resolution as it associates to processor classes and the processing functions contained independently.An instruction is resource-dependent on an issued instruction if it needed a hardware resource that ... Read More

What are Control dependencies?



Updated on 20-Jul-2021 07:16:50

2K+ Views

Consider the following code sequence −mul r1, r2, r3; jz  zproc; sub r4, r7, r1; : zproc:load r1, x; :In this example, the real direction of implementation depends on the result of the multiplication. This represents that the instructions following a conditional branch are dependent on it. In a similar ... Read More

What is Data Dependency?



Updated on 20-Jul-2021 07:13:22

11K+ Views

A position in which an instruction is dependent on a result from a sequentially earlier instruction before it can be done its execution. In high-performance processors operating pipeline or superscalar techniques, a data dependency will learn an interruption in the flowing services of a processor pipeline or prevent the parallel ... Read More
