Ginni has Published 1580 Articles

What is NUMA?



Updated on 23-Jul-2021 09:48:04

5K+ Views

NUMA represents Non-uniform Memory Access. NUMA is a multiprocessor model in which each processor is connected with the dedicated memory. Non-uniform memory access (NUMA) machines were intended to prevent the memory access bottleneck of UMA machines. The logically shared memory is physically assigned among the processing nodes of NUMA machines, ... Read More

What is UMA?



Updated on 23-Jul-2021 09:46:49

3K+ Views

UMA represents Uniform memory access. It is a shared memory architecture used in parallel computers. All the processors in the UMA model share the physical memory uniformly. In UMA architecture, access time to a memory location is autonomous of which processor creates the request or which memory chip includes the ... Read More

What is Adaptive Routing?



Updated on 23-Jul-2021 09:45:11


In adaptive routing, intermediate nodes can take the actual network conditions, including the presence of deterioration or bottlenecks, into account and decide accordingly which neighbor the message should be transmitted. Adaptive routing scheme can be either profitable or misrouting according to the selection of the output channel. In profitable routing, ... Read More

What is Deterministic Routing?



Updated on 23-Jul-2021 09:42:30


In deterministic routing, the path is fully determined by the source and destination nodes. Intermediate nodes are unable to direct messages even in the case of network congestion.Deterministic routing can be further classified according to the node position where the deterministic path is selected. In source routing, it is the ... Read More

What is the design space of switching techniques?



Updated on 23-Jul-2021 09:41:09


Switching is the actual mechanism by which a message is removed from the input buffer and placed in the output buffer. The switching technique applied has an over-whelming effect on message latency and hence the choice of switching method is crucial in designing any distributed memory computer. The design space ... Read More

What is design space of static interconnection topology?



Updated on 23-Jul-2021 09:38:23


In a static network, the connection between input and output nodes is fixed and cannot be modified. Static interconnection network cannot be reconfigured. Examples of this network are linear array, ring, chordal ring, tree, star, fat tree, mesh, tours, systolic arrays, and hypercube. The design space for static interconnection topologies ... Read More

What are Direct Interconnection Networks?



Updated on 23-Jul-2021 09:35:13

1K+ Views

Direct Interconnection networks are used to connect different processing elements or different process memory. Interconnection networks are also known as multi-stage interconnection networks (or MINs), are high-speed computer networks.Characteristics of Direct Interconnection NetworkTopology − It denotes how the nodes of a network are organized.Network Diameter − It is the minimum ... Read More

What are Shared Memory MIMD Architectures?



Updated on 23-Jul-2021 09:34:04

3K+ Views

Shared Memory MIMD Architectures is known as Multiprocessor. It can consider a set of processors and a set of memory modules. Any processor can directly access any memory module through an interconnection network as displayed in the figure. The set of memory modules represent a global address space that is ... Read More

What is Distributed memory MIMD Architecture?



Updated on 23-Jul-2021 09:32:44

6K+ Views

Distributed memory MIMD Architecture is known as Multicomputer. It can replicate the processor/memory pairs and link them through an interconnection network. The processor/memory pair is known as the processing element (PE) and PEs work more or less separated from each other.Whenever interaction between them is possible through message passing one ... Read More

What is Guarded execution in computer architecture?



Updated on 23-Jul-2021 09:31:29

1K+ Views

Guarded execution is a means to eliminate; at least partly, conditional branches. The idea is to introduce conditional operate instructions into the architecture and use them to replace conditional branches. Conditional operate instructions are called guarded instructions. A guarded instruction consists of two parts, a conditional part called the guard ... Read More
