Ginni has Published 1580 Articles

What are the types of Instructions in Computer Architecture?



Updated on 24-Jul-2021 14:13:20

16K+ Views

Instructions in a computer can be of multiple lengths with a variable number of addresses. The various address fields in the instruction format of a computer vary as per the organization of its registers. It depends on the multiple address fields the instruction can be categorized as three address instructions, ... Read More

What is Memory Stack in Computer Architecture?



Updated on 24-Jul-2021 14:07:32

11K+ Views

A stack can be executed in the CPU by analyzing an area of the computer memory to a stack operation and utilizing a processor register as a stack pointer. In this method, it is performed in a random access memory connected to the CPU.An area of the computer memory is ... Read More

What are Symbolic Microinstructions?



Updated on 24-Jul-2021 10:14:08

4K+ Views

The microinstructions can be determined by symbols. It is interpreted to its binary format with an assembler. The symbols should be represented for each field in the microinstruction. The users should be enabled to represent their symbolic addresses. Each line in an assembly language represents symbolic instruction. These instructions are ... Read More

What is the Format of Microinstruction in Computer Architecture?



Updated on 24-Jul-2021 10:12:21

25K+ Views

A microinstruction format includes 20 bits in total. They are divided into four elements as displayed in the figure.F1, F2, F3 are the micro-operation fields. They determine micro-operations for the computer.CD is the condition for branching. They choose the status bit conditions.BR is the branch field. It determines the type ... Read More

What is Microprogram Sequencing?



Updated on 24-Jul-2021 10:07:50

14K+ Views

The microcode for the control memory should be generated by the inventor once the configuration of the computer is settled. The generation of code is known as microprogramming.There are various points to be treated while designing the microprogram sequencer are −Size of the microinstructionTime of address generationThe microinstruction’s size should ... Read More

What are Subroutines?



Updated on 24-Jul-2021 10:06:30

20K+ Views

Subroutines are programs that are used by other routines to accomplish a particular task. A subroutine can be called from any point within the main body of the micro-program. Frequently, many micro-programs contain identical sections of code. Microinstructions can be saved by employing subroutines that use common sections of microcode.For ... Read More

What is Instruction Mapping in Computer Architecture?



Updated on 24-Jul-2021 10:05:13

3K+ Views

A unique type of branch exists when a microinstruction defines a branch to the first word in control memory where a micro-program routine for instruction is placed. The status bits for this type of branch are the bits in the operation code part of the instruction. For example, a computer ... Read More

What is Conditional Branching?



Updated on 24-Jul-2021 10:03:47

8K+ Views

A conditional branch instruction is a branch instruction that may or may not generate a transmission of control that relies upon the value of stored bits in the PSR (processor status register). It provides decision-making capabilities in the control unit.The status conditions are special bits in the system that provide ... Read More

What is Address Sequencing in Computer Architecture?



Updated on 24-Jul-2021 10:02:23

18K+ Views

Microinstructions are saved in control memory in groups. These groups describe routines. Each computer instruction has its microprogram routine that can create micro-operations. These micro-operations can execute instructions. The hardware consists of controls for the address sequencing of the microinstructions of a similar routine. They also branch the microinstructions.There are ... Read More

Difference between Hardwired Control Unit and Microprogrammed Control Unit



Updated on 24-Jul-2021 10:01:09

9K+ Views

Hardwired Control UnitA hardwired control is a structure of making control signals using Finite State Machines (FSM) suitably. It is created as a sequential logic circuit. The final circuit is generated by physically linking the components including gates, flip flops, and drums are known as the hardwired controller.Microprogrammed Control UnitA ... Read More
