Gaurav Leekha has Published 131 Articles

How to Embed Cartopy in a Python Tkinter GUI?

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 05-Dec-2023 12:35:22


Python's versatility as a programming language is evident not only in its vast array of libraries but also in its capability to seamlessly integrate different tools for diverse applications. One such powerful combination is the integration of Cartopy, a library for geospatial data visualization, with Tkinter, a standard GUI toolkit ... Read More

How to display numbers in calculator, using TKinter in Python?

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 05-Dec-2023 12:33:02


Tkinter, derived from "Tk interface, " is the default GUI library bundled with Python. It provides a wide variety of widgets, including buttons, labels, entry fields, and more, making it a versatile choice for GUI development. Tkinter's cross-platform nature ensures that applications built with it can run on various operating ... Read More

How to display different images using grid function using Tkinter?

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 05-Dec-2023 12:31:40


Python's tkinter library is a powerful and versatile tool for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). One of its key features is the ability to display images, and the grid function is a great way to organize and display multiple images in a grid-like format. In this article, we will explore ... Read More

How to disable column resizing in a Treeview widget in Tkinter?

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 05-Dec-2023 12:28:55


The Treeview widget in Tkinter provides a powerful and versatile way to display hierarchical data in a tabular format. By default, users can resize the columns in a Treeview widget, which can affect the visual layout and disrupt the intended design. In certain cases, you may want to disable column ... Read More

How to copy a picture from Tkinter canvas to clipboard?

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 05-Dec-2023 12:26:22


Tkinter is a popular Python library used for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). It provides a wide range of widgets and tools to build interactive applications. One common task in GUI development is copying content to the clipboard, such as text or images. While copying text is relatively straightforward, copying ... Read More

How to change the color of everything in a Tkinter GUI?

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 05-Dec-2023 12:24:07

1K+ Views

Customizing the appearance of a graphical user interface (GUI) is a powerful way to create visually appealing and cohesive applications. Tkinter, the popular Python library for GUI development, provides flexibility in altering the color scheme of a GUI. In this article, we will explore how to change the color of ... Read More

How to change text of Tkinter button initilised in a loop?

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 05-Dec-2023 12:22:34


When we build computer programs, making them look good and easy to use is super important. Tkinter, a handy Python tool, helps us create these user-friendly Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). Now, imagine you have some buttons in your program, and you want to change what they say when someone clicks ... Read More

How to add radiobuttons to a submenu in Tkinter?

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 05-Dec-2023 12:21:12


Tkinter, Python's standard GUI toolkit, provides a diverse range of widgets for crafting interactive applications. As applications grow in complexity, there arises a requirement for enhanced organization and user-friendliness. This prompts the integration of radio buttons within submenus using Tkinter, facilitating a more systematic and intuitive interface. This article delves into ... Read More

How to add a xscrollbar to Text widget in Tkinter?

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 05-Dec-2023 12:18:17


Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) serve as the visual gateway to user interactions in software applications, and Tkinter stands as a stalwart toolkit for crafting such interfaces in Python. This article delves into a specific aspect of Tkinter – the integration of a horizontal scrollbar (xscrollbar) into a Text widget. Navigating extensive ... Read More

How do I write to the file I selected using filedialog.asksaveasfile?

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 05-Dec-2023 12:15:38


In Python, the filedialog module from the tkinter library provides a convenient way to prompt the user for a file selection. The asksaveasfile function specifically allows the user to select a file to save data. Once the user selects a file, you may wonder how to write data to that ... Read More

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