Gaurav Leekha has Published 131 Articles

Demystifying the Python IMAP Module

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 20-Feb-2024 13:49:39


The Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is a widely used protocol for retrieving email messages from a server. It allows a client, such as an email program, to access email messages stored on a server, as well as manipulate them in various ways. The Python standard library includes a module ... Read More

CIFAR-10 Image Classification in TensorFlow

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 20-Feb-2024 13:42:01


Image classification is an essential task in computer vision that involves recognizing and categorizing images based on their content. CIFAR-10 is a well-known dataset that contains 60, 000 32×32 color images in 10 classes, with 6, 000 images per class. TensorFlow is a powerful framework that provides a variety ... Read More

Check the Version of Python Interpreter

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 20-Feb-2024 13:38:15


One of the first steps in using Python is ensuring that the correct version of the interpreter is installed on your system. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to check the version of the Python interpreter on your machine. What is an Interpreter? Let's first understand what an interpreter ... Read More

Check if a Value is Infinity or NaN in Python

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 20-Feb-2024 13:33:36


One of the most important aspects of any programming language is the ability to handle numbers, including values that may be infinite or undefined. In Python, the concepts of infinity and NaN (Not a Number) are important to understand, as they are often encountered in mathematical calculations and data analysis. ... Read More

Check if a Table Exists in SQLite using Python

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 20-Feb-2024 13:27:51


One of the strengths of Python is its ability to work seamlessly with a variety of databases, including SQLite. SQLite is a lightweight relational database management system that is often used for embedded systems and small-scale applications. Unlike larger databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL, SQLite doesn't require a separate server ... Read More

Check if a Directory Contains Files using Python

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 20-Feb-2024 13:15:37


Python is a versatile programming language that is widely used for various purposes, including file and directory operations. One of the most common tasks in file and directory operations is to check if a directory contains files or not. In this article, we will discuss how to check if a ... Read More

An Introduction to Python CPLEX Module

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 20-Feb-2024 12:58:41


The Python CPLEX module is an interface to the CPLEX optimization software, which is a powerful tool for solving linear and quadratic optimization problems. It is particularly useful for problems with many variables and constraints, as it can scale well to handle such instances. The Python CPLEX module allows users ... Read More

What is the Tkinter Variable Class First Argument used for?

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 15-Feb-2024 17:06:24


Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) make software user-friendly, and Tkinter, a Python toolkit, helps create them easily. Tkinter has a special Variable class that manages data in the GUI. In this article, we'll dig into the Tkinter Variable class and focus on why the first argument in its constructor is so ... Read More

Highlight color for a specific line of text based on a keyword in Tkinter

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 15-Feb-2024 17:04:17


Creating effective GUIs often involves displaying and manipulating text. Tkinter, the popular Python GUI toolkit, provides a versatile Text widget for handling text-based content. In this tutorial, we will show how you can highlight specific lines of text based on certain criteria in a Tkinter application. Setting up the Tkinter ... Read More

Difference between Working with Tkinter and Tix

Gaurav Leekha

Gaurav Leekha

Updated on 15-Feb-2024 17:03:27


Python offers two prominent libraries for GUI development: Tkinter and Tix. In this tutorial, we will highlight the features, differences, and implementation examples of both Tkinter and Tix. Understanding Tkinter Tkinter, short for Tk interface, is the standard GUI toolkit included with Python. It is based on the Tk GUI ... Read More
