Dr Pankaj Dumka has Published 18 Articles

Implementation of Jacobi Method to Solve a System of Linear Equations in Python

Dr Pankaj Dumka

Dr Pankaj Dumka

Updated on 03-Oct-2023 12:38:45

1K+ Views

It is the most straightforward iterative strategy for tackling systems of linear equations shown below. $$\mathrm{a_{1, 1}\: x_{1} \: + \: a_{1, 2} \: x_{2} \: + \: \dotso\dotso \: + \: a_{1, n} \: x_{n} \: = \: b_{1}}$$ $$\mathrm{a_{2, 1} \: x_{1} \: + \: a_{2, 2} ... Read More

Solving the First Law of Thermodynamics using Python

Dr Pankaj Dumka

Dr Pankaj Dumka

Updated on 14-Apr-2023 13:44:43


The first law of thermodynamics is related to energy conservation, i.e., if energy in form disappears then the energy will in appear in some other form. In thermodynamics majorly we are concerned about heat, work and internal energy. Heat and work are the form of energy which are also called ... Read More

Modelling the Rankine Cycle in Python

Dr Pankaj Dumka

Dr Pankaj Dumka

Updated on 30-Mar-2023 10:51:46


Rankine cycle is the heart of any thermal power plant. A basic Rankine cycle has four processes, viz. reversible adiabatic work interactions in turbine and pump and isobaric heat interactions in boiler and condenser. A schematic of a thermal power plant is shown in the figure given below. To ... Read More

Modelling the Secant Method in Python

Dr Pankaj Dumka

Dr Pankaj Dumka

Updated on 15-Mar-2023 17:05:48

2K+ Views

Secant method is one of the powerful methods to know the x-intercept (zeros) of a polynomial or any transcendental function. In this method, first we select (basically guess) the interval in which we expect the root ($\mathrm{𝑥_{1}}$, $\mathrm{𝑥_{2}}$). Then we draw a secant line to join the points on the ... Read More

Modelling the Regula Falsi Method in Python

Dr Pankaj Dumka

Dr Pankaj Dumka

Updated on 15-Mar-2023 16:46:15


In this tutorial, I will show you how to find the roots of an equation with the help of Regula Falsi which is also called as the "False Position Method". Let us consider the figure shown below. First we have searched for two 𝑥 values $\mathrm{x_{1}}$ and $\mathrm{x_{2}}$ at ... Read More

Modelling the Newton Raphson Method in Python

Dr Pankaj Dumka

Dr Pankaj Dumka

Updated on 15-Mar-2023 16:13:20

2K+ Views

In this tutorial, I will show you how to evaluate the roots of a polynomial or transcendental equation with the help of a numerical method known as the Newton Raphson method. This is an iterative method in which we start with a initial guess (of independent variable) and then evaluate ... Read More

Modelling the Projectile Motion using Python

Dr Pankaj Dumka

Dr Pankaj Dumka

Updated on 14-Mar-2023 16:10:15

6K+ Views

Let us first understand some basic concepts and equations based on which the projectile motion can be modelled. The figure shown below explains some basic terminologies of projectile motion. Here, "u" is the velocity with which the projectile is being projected. 𝛼 is the angle of projection of the ... Read More

Modelling the Carnot Cycle in Python

Dr Pankaj Dumka

Dr Pankaj Dumka

Updated on 27-Feb-2023 11:44:47


Carnot cycle is the most fundamental gas power cycle. This is the cycle which acts as a benchmark for any engine cycle. Each and every engine cycle efficiency is checked against the Carnot Cycle. If an inventor develops a new engine cycle, then it has to be validated against the ... Read More
