Dev Prakash Sharma has Published 556 Articles

TkInter keypress, keyrelease events

Dev Prakash Sharma

Dev Prakash Sharma

Updated on 07-Jun-2021 11:18:36

9K+ Views

Tkinter Events are generally used to provide an interface that works as a bridge between the User and the application logic. We can use Events in any Tkinter application to make it more interactive and functional. Events like and are used to call a specific function only when ... Read More

List of All Tkinter Events

Dev Prakash Sharma

Dev Prakash Sharma

Updated on 07-Jun-2021 11:16:11

11K+ Views

Tkinter is a Python library which is used to create GUI-based application. Tkinter comes with many inbuilt features and extensions which can be used to optimize the application performance and behaviour. Tkinter Events are generally used to provide an interface that works as a bridge between the User and the ... Read More

How to create a combo box with auto-completion in Tkinter?

Dev Prakash Sharma

Dev Prakash Sharma

Updated on 07-Jun-2021 11:14:09

2K+ Views

Tkinter Combobox widget is one of the useful widgets to implement dropdown menus in an application. It uses the combination of the Entry widget and ListBox widget on the top of it. We can select Menu items by typing the item name (if it exists in the Menu List) in ... Read More

How to center a Tkinter widget in a sticky frame?

Dev Prakash Sharma

Dev Prakash Sharma

Updated on 07-Jun-2021 11:11:21

6K+ Views

Tkinter has lots of inbuilt functions and methods that can be used configure the properties of Tkinter widgets. These properties vary with different geometry managers. The grid geometry manager is one of them which deals with many complex layout problems in any application. Grid geometry manager adds all the widgets ... Read More

How to add a margin to a tkinter window?

Dev Prakash Sharma

Dev Prakash Sharma

Updated on 07-Jun-2021 11:08:16

7K+ Views

The margin of a tkinter window can be controlled by specifying the value of fill, expand and padding. Another way to set the margin of a tkinter window is to use grid(**options) Geometry Manager. Grid pack manager allows us to add the margin by specifying the value of row and ... Read More

How do you create a clickable Tkinter Label?

Dev Prakash Sharma

Dev Prakash Sharma

Updated on 07-Jun-2021 11:06:11

7K+ Views

Label widgets in Tkinter are used to display text and images. We can link a URL with the label widget to make it clickable. Whenever the label widget is clicked, it will open the attached link in the default browser.To work with the browser and hyperlinks we can use webbrowser ... Read More

How do you create a Tkinter GUI stop button to break an infinite loop?

Dev Prakash Sharma

Dev Prakash Sharma

Updated on 07-Jun-2021 11:04:21

1K+ Views

Tkinter is a Python library which is used to create GUI-based application. Let us suppose that we have to create a functional application in which a particular function is defined in a loop. The recursive function will display some text in a Label widget for infinite times.To stop this recursive ... Read More

Difference between "grid" and "pack" geometry managers in Tkinter

Dev Prakash Sharma

Dev Prakash Sharma

Updated on 07-Jun-2021 11:01:58


In order to view the widgets on the screen, we have to first associate each and every widget with the geometry manager. There are three ways in which we can view our widgets in the application. The Grid and Pack geometry manager are mostly used in many applications.Pack Geometry ManagerThe ... Read More

Python Tkinter – Set Entry width 100%

Dev Prakash Sharma

Dev Prakash Sharma

Updated on 07-Jun-2021 11:00:18

2K+ Views

Tkinter Entry widgets accept single-line user input in a text field. We can change the properties of the Entry widget by providing the default attributes and values in its constructor.Let us suppose that we want to create a full-width Entry widget for an application. There are several ways to do ... Read More

How to create hyperlink in a Tkinter Text widget?

Dev Prakash Sharma

Dev Prakash Sharma

Updated on 07-Jun-2021 10:58:36

3K+ Views

Tkinter Text widgets are generally used for accepting multiline user input in the given text field. For a particular text document, the content may contain hyperlinks too which is useful in case we want to redirect the user. You can create hyperlinks within the text widget by using HyperLinkManager snippet ... Read More
