Dev Kumar has Published 113 Articles

Why are farmers constantly committing suicide in India?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:56:25


In India, a farmer commits suicide every 30 minutes. This is a very serious issue for the country where the farm sector, which employs around 265 million people or about 55% of the total workforce in the country. The sector has been in decline for quite some time now and ... Read More

How to win a Nobel Award?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:52:20


The question may have been asked casually but it's a valid question which merits a serious answer. The Nobel Prize is awarded every year for six subject areas - Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Economics, Literature, and Peace. There's a nomination process whereby eminent personalities mainly from academics, who choose ... Read More

What is ghostwriting and what are the job prospects if I embrace it as a career?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:47:34


When you write for someone else who pays you just for your efforts and has claimed over the content you created as per your agreement with him, it is ghostwriting. In other words, it's like conceiving a surrogate baby whom you can't claim. However, you needn't get tensed about this ... Read More

How is technology affecting the lives of people with disabilities?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:38:56


The impact of technology has been nothing short of phenomenal on the lives of people with disabilities. Nothing articulates this better than the statement by Mary Pat Radabaugh, Director of IBM National Support Center for Persons with Disabilities - "For most people, technology makes things easier.Technology Makes Things PossibleFor people ... Read More

How to find a good story for a novel?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:36:09


If you manage to find a good story, your novel is made. It means, only when you complete the novel, will you have a good story. If you're thinking of a story before even starting to write the novel, it amounts to the same thing as putting the cart before ... Read More

How do you know when it's time to move on from your current company?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:35:52


It really depends on your comfort level at your place of work and that's as basic as it gets. The irony here is that you just can't afford to feel comfortable in any place of work for the simple reason that these places aren't designed for comfort. You have to ... Read More

How to convert a small brand into a big one?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:30:10


Don't we all dream of doing that someday? After all the startup craze is about building brands in super quick time and many startup entrepreneurs have actually succeeded in doing just that. Take the case of Oyo Rooms, which was founded by an 18-year-old youngster, Ritesh Agarwal back in 2011 ... Read More

What legal action should I take if my personal videos/images from my Facebook account are used for the commercial purpose by someone?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:28:34


Any videos or images uploaded on any Facebook account becomes the property of Facebook which means that the user has given the copyright of the video or image to Facebook when they publish it on this social site. The issue of data theft, especially of images has been a subject ... Read More

What should I do if someone copies my website/blog content?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:27:52


Whenever you find that your content has been copied, don't wait to take action but at the same time, don't jump the gun by shooting off a legal notice right away. That would be your last resort and before that, you need to try a few easier methods to sort ... Read More

Which kind of empowerment are Indian women lacking for?

Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:27:22


To be honest, most of the loopholes in our laws with regard to women's empowerment have been plugged or are in the process of being plugged. Legally speaking, India doesn't discriminate against women but when it comes to social recognition of women's rights, there are a lot of discrepancies. For ... Read More

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