Deepti S has Published 28 Articles

How to iterate LinkedHashMap in Java?

Deepti S

Deepti S

Updated on 19-Oct-2023 12:23:08

1K+ Views

LinkedHashMap is a class that is identical to HashMap, however it additionally provides a feature that tracks the order wherein components are inserted. The sequence wherein elements were added isn't preserved by using HashMap, even though it does permit for quick element insertion, search, and deletion. By keeping a linked ... Read More

How to Iterate Through HashTable in Java?

Deepti S

Deepti S

Updated on 19-Oct-2023 12:20:05

1K+ Views

The HashTable is a fundamental data structure that operates on the basis of key hashcodes without preserving the insertion order. It prohibits duplicate keys but allows for duplicate values. Remarkably, it accommodates a wide range of objects for both keys and values, fostering heterogeneity. Null values for keys and values ... Read More

How to Iterate LinkedList in Java?

Deepti S

Deepti S

Updated on 19-Oct-2023 12:16:22


The LinkedHashMap Class is similar to HashMap. But it has an additional feature in comparison to HashMap. The LinkedList class belongs to the java.util package. A doubly linked list is how LinkedList stores its elements. Given that our operations typically include insertion and deletion, LinkedList is the best option. The ... Read More

How to Iterate the Vector Elements in the Reverse Order in Java?

Deepti S

Deepti S

Updated on 18-Oct-2023 16:35:11


The Vector class has been a part of the Java collection system since Java version 1.2. Vectors are sometimes known as Dynamic Arrays because, unlike ordinary arrays, they can expand and contract in size. Ensuring thread-safety, Vectors are synchronized. While there exists a third approach that involves using Apache Commons ... Read More

How to Invoke Method by Name in Java Dynamically Using Reflection?

Deepti S

Deepti S

Updated on 18-Oct-2023 16:29:33


The Reflection API in Java allows you to dynamically call any method using its string name. When using the java.lang.reflect API, you can load classes by name even if they aren't accessible at compile time thanks to reflection's robust mechanism. It empowers you to dynamically invoke any method using reflection ... Read More

How to iterate over a TreeMap in Java?

Deepti S

Deepti S

Updated on 18-Oct-2023 16:25:59

1K+ Views

With the help of the AbstractMap Class, Java's TreeMap implements the Map interface and NavigableMap. This map is sorted using either the keys' inherent ordering or a Comparator that was provided when the map was created. When working with a TreeMap in Java, the objective is to iterate via its ... Read More

How to Iterate HashMap in Java?

Deepti S

Deepti S

Updated on 18-Oct-2023 16:24:21


(Key, Value) pairs are used to store data in Java HashMap collections. Although it is unsynchronized, it is comparable to HashTable. As a result, a HashMap can be accessed by numerous threads without encountering any troubles. Despite the fact that HashMap allows for the storage of null keys as well, ... Read More

How to iterate HashSet in Java?

Deepti S

Deepti S

Updated on 18-Oct-2023 16:22:29


The Java HashSet class employs a hash table internally to implement the Set interface, which uses a HashMap instance. The class does not guarantee that the items will remain the same over time because the iteration order of the factors within the hash set is not always guaranteed. Null elements ... Read More

How to iterate over a 2D list (list of lists) in Java?

Deepti S

Deepti S

Updated on 18-Oct-2023 16:03:46

1K+ Views

A data structure known as a 2D list or list of lists can be utilised for saving a collection of data in a two-dimensional format. A row in the 2D list is represented by each inner list in this list of lists. A 2D list could be utilised, for instance, ... Read More

How to Iterate LinkedHashMap in Reverse Order in Java?

Deepti S

Deepti S

Updated on 18-Oct-2023 16:01:17


The LinkedHashMap serves the purpose of maintaining the precise order of element addition. It elucidates the method for accessing elements in the sequence they were inserted. In addition to storing values based on their keys, the LinkedHashMap class expands upon the functionalities of the Hash Map class and implements the ... Read More
