Bitopi Kaashyap has Published 691 Articles

Ordinary People in the Kingdoms

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:39:33


Introduction India is presumed to have been a rich country, but the majority of the riches throughout history rested with the monarchs, and aside from the aristocratic privileged population, most of the Ancient Indians lived a humble life, and mostly very religious. We can witness some indications of the situation ... Read More

Rise of Hitler

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:33:26


Introduction Adolf Hitler's academic skills as a young man contributed to his rise to power and notoriety. Hitler's deep understanding and mass propaganda were the most important factors in his popularity. He also emphasized the strong's right to rule the weak. After joining the Deutsch Arbeiterpartei-DAP (German Workers' Party) in ... Read More

Russian Revolution

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:31:23


Introduction One of the 20th century's most important political events was the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was a series of political events that saw first the February revolution of 1917 that overthrew the autocratic government led by Tsar Nicholas II, followed by the October Revolution which overthrew the liberal ... Read More

Russian Society after The Revolution

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:27:12


Introduction After the Russian Revolution threw the Autocratic government led by Czar Nicholas II, Russia was in the midst of a broken economy and there were many challenges that had to be dealt with. Be it the food scarcity challenges, health challenges, or saving the dying Russian Industries. Every such ... Read More

Surat Split and Lucknow Session

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:18:24


Surat Split Extremists and moderates exhibit increasingly complicated ideological divisions. The British had a significant impact on how the Congress was divided. They placated the moderates by making nebulous reform promises. Both factions competed for the position of Calcutta Congress president in 1906. In the Calcutta session, Dadabhai Naoroji emerges ... Read More

The Great Depression

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:10:11


Introduction The Great Depression was the most catastrophic event that shook the world it began in 1929 and lasted till the 1930s. During this global economic failure unemployment had shot up to a record high, and incomes and production decreased drastically. There was variation among the effects of depression around ... Read More

Administration of Russia under Stalin

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 29-Dec-2023 12:53:10


Introduction When Josef Lenin passed away in 1924, there was no succession plan in place for a new leader. As a result, Stalin and Trotsky engaged in a power struggle for internal dominance. In order to ensure leadership, Stalin used his position as the party's general secretary to place loyalists ... Read More

Civil Disobedience Movement

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 29-Dec-2023 12:46:49


Introduction After the Chauri Chaura incident, Gandhi withdrew the Non-cooperation Movement because the satyagrahis needed training for non-violent movements. Some leaders were against the sudden withdrawal of the mass movement, Motilal Nehru and C. R. Das were of them. On 1st January 1923, the Swaraj Party was founded by C. ... Read More

Architects of Modern Vietnam

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 29-Dec-2023 12:45:02


Introduction In history, when we look toward Vietnam, their visionaries and thinkers were more inclined toward the communist ideas which helped their nation function and free them from the colonial powers. Every nation has a national leader who worked for his country and dedicated his life’s work for the emancipation ... Read More

Beginning of Conservatism post-1815

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 29-Dec-2023 12:43:04


Introduction During the 19th century, the colonial powers inflicted great injustice and used their colonies to their interest and this made the public intolerant which paved way for the reactions toward conservatism and it ended in uplifting nationalism among the public. Conservatism, in simple terms, is a philosophy ... Read More
