Biswaindu Parida has Published 114 Articles

Header Tags: All That You Want To Know

Biswaindu Parida

Biswaindu Parida

Updated on 03-Apr-2023 13:57:46


HTML, the language used to construct web pages, heavily relies on header tags. They are used to arrange and organize web page content, making it simpler to read and comprehend. Header tags range from H1 to H6. H1 is the most significant header tag, whereas H6 is the ... Read More

Title Tag Optimization Guide for Google

Biswaindu Parida

Biswaindu Parida

Updated on 31-Mar-2023 15:45:14


Are you feeling overwhelmed when it comes to optimizing your website for Google? Don't worry; you are not alone! One of the most important things for a website owner or manager to understand is how to optimize title tags for Google. Title tags, often referred to as "title elements, " ... Read More

How to Write Meta Descriptions?

Biswaindu Parida

Biswaindu Parida

Updated on 31-Mar-2023 15:44:22


Are you looking for a way to give your website more visibility and attract more customers? Writing compelling meta descriptions is a powerful strategy that does just that. Meta descriptions are the short snippets of text that appear under your webpage's title in search engine results. They provide potential visitors ... Read More

How to Improve Website Architecture in 8 Easy Ways?

Biswaindu Parida

Biswaindu Parida

Updated on 31-Mar-2023 15:38:03


In simple terms, website architecture is the visual and technical structure of the website. Web designers generally use the term while planning, designing, and developing a website. Technically, a website architecture is a logical website layout created per the user and business requirements. It is a collection of components that ... Read More

6 JavaScript Optimization Tips from Google

Biswaindu Parida

Biswaindu Parida

Updated on 31-Mar-2023 09:25:57


Overview to Java Optimization Java is a popular programming language for developing mobile apps to enterprise-level software systems. However, as the size and complexity of Java applications increase, so does the potential for performance issues. Java optimization identifies and addresses performance bottlenecks in Java applications to ensure they run efficiently ... Read More

The Negative Impact of 404 Errors on SEO and User Experience

Biswaindu Parida

Biswaindu Parida

Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:22:23


The 404 errors is the most frequent HTTP status code users may see when surfing the web. If you've been online for over a year, the likelihood that you haven't run across one is slim. Their prevalence is high. No one usually pays them any attention until something ... Read More

Best Practices for Identifying and Fixing Broken Links on a Website

Biswaindu Parida

Biswaindu Parida

Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:20:49


If you have a website, we know you spent many hours laboring over it to make it the best resource possible. If your links don't function, your efforts may be in vain. There are two ways in which broken links on your website might hurt your business − They're ... Read More

What redirect chains are & how they can negatively impact website performance and SEO

Biswaindu Parida

Biswaindu Parida

Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:19:40


Problems with error pages are pretty prevalent. The server encountered an unexpectedly large volume of requests (a 500 Error), or the requested page could not be located on the server (a 404 Error). In the latter case, 404 Errors are a common source of frustration for website visitors. There is ... Read More

How to Use Meta Refresh Redirects for Page Redirects?

Biswaindu Parida

Biswaindu Parida

Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:13:44


You may send people to a new URL rather than the one they typed in by using a technique known as URL redirection, also known as URL forwarding. 301, 302, and Meta Refresh are the three most prevalent types of redirection. The client, Meta Refresh Redirect, performed a redirection. Redirects ... Read More

How to use a canonical tag to consolidate duplicate content on a website?

Biswaindu Parida

Biswaindu Parida

Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:07:37


So you have a website with duplicate content which is hurting your SEO and don't know how to fix the problem? Welcome! In this blog post, I'll dive into what a canonical tag is and explain how it can be used to consolidate duplicate content on a website. After reading ... Read More
