Bhanu Priya has Published 1581 Articles

C program to print Excel column titles based on given column number

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 03-Sep-2021 06:44:31


ProblemA program to print Excel column title that corresponds to a given column number (integer value). User has to enter the integer number based on given number it has to print excel column number.SolutionThe solution to print Excel column title that corresponds to a given column number in C programming ... Read More

C program to represent numbers in numerator and denominator in string format

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 03-Sep-2021 06:42:09


ProblemFind the fraction part from two given integers given by user at run time by using the dynamic memory allocation and represent the numerator and denominator in string format.SolutionThe solution to represent the numerator and denominator in string format is as follows −Example -The input is given below −Numerator1 = ... Read More

What is strtok() function in C language?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 03-Sep-2021 06:33:30


strtok() function is a part of the header file #include The syntax of strtok() function is as follows −char* strtok(char* string, const char* limiter);Input string string and a delimiter character limiter. strtok() will divide the string into tokens based on the delimited character.We can expect a list of strings ... Read More

What is C Operator Precedence and Associativity?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 03-Sep-2021 06:32:27

2K+ Views

First, let us understand what is operator precedence in C programming language.Operator PrecedenceOperator precedence is used to evaluate the order of operators evaluated in an expression. In C programming, every operator has a priority. When there is more than one operator in the given expression, the operator with higher precedence ... Read More

What is program development cycle in C language?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 03-Sep-2021 06:27:49

19K+ Views

When we want to develop a program by using any programming language, we have to follow a sequence of steps. These steps are called phases in program development.The program development life cycle is a set of steps or phases which are used to develop a program in any programming language.Phases ... Read More

Differentiate between array and structures in C

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 02-Sep-2021 13:17:30


The major differences between an array and a structure in C programming language are as follows −ArraysStructuresAn array is a single entity representing a collection of data items of same data types.A structure is a single entity representing a collection of data items of different data types.Individual entries in an ... Read More

C program to store inventory system using structures

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 01-Sep-2021 13:18:41

7K+ Views

Structure is a collection of different datatype variables, grouped together under a single name.Features of structureThe features of structure in the C programming language are as follows −It is possible to copy the contents of all the structure elements of different datatypes to another structure variable of its type by ... Read More

C program to compare if the two matrices are equal or not

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 01-Sep-2021 13:13:28

2K+ Views

The user has to enter the order of two matrices and elements of two matrices. Then, these two matrix are compared.If both matrix elements and size are equal, then it displays that the two matrices are equal.If size of matrix is equal but the elements are not equal, then it ... Read More

C program to sort all columns and rows of matrix

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 01-Sep-2021 13:10:15

4K+ Views

ProblemWrite a code to sort all the rows of matrix in an ascending order and all columns in the descending order. The size of matrix and elements of matrix are given by user at runtime.SolutionThe solution to sort all the rows of matrix in an ascending order and all columns ... Read More

C program to interchange the diagonal elements in given matrix

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 01-Sep-2021 13:07:55


ProblemWe need to write a code to interchange the main diagonal elements with the secondary diagonal elements. The size of the matrix is given at runtime.If the size of matrix m and n values are not equal, then it prints that the given matrix is not a square.Only a square ... Read More
