Bhanu Priya has Published 1581 Articles

What is the difference between process and program?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 29-Nov-2021 10:42:08

1K+ Views

To begin with, let us learn about the process.ProcessA process is a program in execution and it is more than a program code called a text section and this concept works under all the operating systems because all the tasks performed by the operating system needs a process to perform ... Read More

Differentiate between Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and system calls.

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 29-Nov-2021 10:38:12

4K+ Views

Let us learn about the application programming interface.Application programming interfaceWe know that multiple devices and applications share data between them. Some devices include online reservations and some in booking systems.API (Application Programming Interface) is used to establish connectivity among devices and applications. However, it is an interface which takes the ... Read More

What are advantages and disadvantages of object based distributed OS?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 29-Nov-2021 10:36:13


Distributed Operating System is a type of model where applications are running on multiple computers linked by communications. It is an extension of the network operating system which supports higher levels of communication and integration of the machines on the network.Distributed OS runs on multiple CPUs but for an end-user, ... Read More

What are layered structures and its benefits in OS?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 29-Nov-2021 10:34:22


The operating system can be broken into pieces that are smaller in size and this type of operating system is called MS-DOS, an UNIX OS and OS which is having greater control over the computer.When a layered structure is used then we can divide the OS into different layers and ... Read More

What are the four main components and the roles of the UNIX OS?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 29-Nov-2021 10:31:07


The four primary components of the Unix OS are as follows −Unix KernelThe Unix Kernel is called the core of OS because of its role in managing all the internal processes of the operating system, from booting the system from a zero state to managing processes and memory in a ... Read More

How do modules improve monolithic and micro kernel approaches?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 29-Nov-2021 10:29:06


In an operating system different modules are involved and all these modules perform different tasks at different stages. Modules are the basic structure of an operating system.The modules are designed for performing a specific task and these services are dynamically implemented by all the operating systems and a number of ... Read More

What is microKernel in Operating Systems?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 29-Nov-2021 10:26:21

5K+ Views

Kernel is the main part of an Operating System. It is the first program that is loaded after the boot loader whenever we start a system. The Kernel is present in the memory until the Operating System is shut-down.Kernel provides an interface between the user and the hardware components of ... Read More

What is the concept of Monolithic kernel?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 29-Nov-2021 10:24:37

2K+ Views

Kernel is the main part of an Operating System. It is the first program that is loaded after the boot loader whenever we start a system. The Kernel is present in the memory until the Operating System is shut-down.Kernel provides an interface between the user and the hardware components of ... Read More

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Different OS?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 29-Nov-2021 10:15:51

4K+ Views

To begin with, let us understand the advantages and disadvantages of MS-DOS Operating System.MS-DOS Operating systemAdvantagesThe advantages of MS-DOS Operating System are as follows −MS-DOS is a lightweight system and it allows direct access to all hardware with the help of the command line.This operating system is very lightweight.It also ... Read More

What is a system program?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 29-Nov-2021 10:13:49

18K+ Views

In an operating system a user is able to use different types of system programs and the system program is responsible for all the application software performance of the computer.The system programs are responsible for the development and execution of a program and they can be used by the help ... Read More
