Bhanu Priya has Published 1581 Articles

What are types of expressions evaluated in C Language?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Mar-2021 10:17:10


An expression is a combination of operators and operands.Operand is a data item in which operation is performed.An operator performs an operation on dataFor example; z = 3+2*1       z = 5Types of expressionsThe different types of expressions that are evaluated in C language are as follows −Primary expressions ... Read More

What are primary data types in C language?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Mar-2021 10:16:24

7K+ Views

‘C’ compilers support four fundamental data types. They are as follows −IntegerCharacterFloating − pointDouble precision floating pointPrimary Data TypesIntegral data typeIntegral data types are used to store whole numbers and characters.It is further classified into two types −Integer data type.Character data type.Integer data typeThis data type is used to store ... Read More

What are the different computer languages?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Mar-2021 10:14:05


The programming languages are used to give instructions to the computer in a language which a computer can understand.Computer languages are classified into three types as follows −Machine languagesSymbolic languagesHigh level languagesMachine languagesComputer is a machine. Since, its memory can store only 1’s and 0’s, instructions must be given to ... Read More

What is an algorithm and flowchart in C language?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Mar-2021 09:58:36

22K+ Views

Algorithm is a step – by – step procedure which is helpful in solving a problem. If, it is written in English like sentences then, it is called as ‘PSEUDO CODE’.Properties of an AlgorithmAn algorithm must possess the following five properties −InputOutputFinitenessDefinitenessEffectivenessExampleAlgorithm for finding the average of three numbers is ... Read More

State the importance of C language and its general structure

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Mar-2021 08:36:53

6K+ Views

C programming is a general-purpose, procedural, imperative computer programming language.Importance of C LanguageC is called as a robust language, which has so many built-in functions and operations, which can be used to write any complex program.Generally, we use to call C as a middle level language. Because, the ‘C’ compiler ... Read More

Explain the Format of C language

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Mar-2021 08:35:46

2K+ Views

C programming is a general-purpose, procedural, imperative computer programming language. In C language, we see thatStatements are terminated with semicolons.C is case sensitiveIndentation is ignored by the compiler.Strings are placed in double quotes.Library functions are lowercase.Newlines are handled via Format of CThe format of C programming language is explained below ... Read More

Check if the value entered is palindrome or not using C language

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Mar-2021 08:28:05


A palindrome is nothing but any word, number, sentence, or other sequence of characters that reads the same backward as forward.In this programming, we are trying to enter a number from console, and assign that number to temp variable.If number is greater than zero, apply the logic given below −while(n>0){ ... Read More

Differentiate the NULL pointer with Void pointer in C language

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Mar-2021 08:18:06

9K+ Views

The difference between Null pointer and Void pointer is that Null pointer is a value and Void pointer is a type.NULL pointerA null pointer means it is not pointing to anything. If, there is no address that is assigned to a pointer, then set it to null.A pointer type, i.e., ... Read More

What happens if we include header file for two times in a C program?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Mar-2021 08:16:08


C header files include some predefined functions. For example, printf() and scanf() functions are defined in the stdio.h header file.Each header files in C contains different predefined functions to make programs simple to understand.When a header file is included two times in a C program, the second one gets ignored. ... Read More

What are the different searching techniques in C language?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Mar-2021 07:59:07

9K+ Views

Searching technique refers to finding a key element among the list of elements.If the given element is present in the list, then the searching process is said to be successful.If the given element is not present in the list, then the searching process is said to be unsuccessful.C language provides ... Read More
