Bhanu Priya has Published 1581 Articles

Design a Moore machine to generate 1's complement of a binary number.

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 12-Jun-2021 09:08:25

6K+ Views

Moore machine has 6 tuples, which are as follows −(Q, q0, Σ, O, δ, λ)Where, Q: Finite set of statesq0: Initial state of machineΣ: Finite set of input symbolsO: Output alphabetδ: Transition function where Q × Σ → Qλ: Output function where Q → OThe transition diagram is as follows ... Read More

Draw DFA which accepts the string starting with ‘ab’.

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Jun-2021 14:39:49

20K+ Views

ProblemDraw the state transition diagram over an alphabet Σ={a, b} that accepts the string starting with ‘ab’.SolutionThe formal definition of Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) is as follows −A DFA is a collection of 5-tuples as shown below −M=(Q, Σ, δ, q0, F)Where, Q: Finite set called states.Σ: Finite set called ... Read More

What is a Moore Machine in TOC?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Jun-2021 14:31:25

3K+ Views

Moore machine is a finite state machine in which the next state is decided by the current state and the current input symbol.The output symbol at a given time depends only on the present state of the machine.The Moore machine has 6 tuples(Q, q0, Σ, O, δ, λ)Where, Q: Finite ... Read More

What is a mealy machine in TOC?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Jun-2021 14:20:54

3K+ Views

In a mealy machine, the output symbol depends upon the present input symbol and on the present state of the machine.The output is represented with each input symbol and each state is separated by /.The mealy machine can be described by 6 tuples(Q, q0, Σ, O, δ, λ')Where, Q: Finite ... Read More

Design NFA with Σ = {0, 1} and accept all string of length at least 2.

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Jun-2021 14:03:26

15K+ Views

Non-deterministic finite automata also have five states which are same as DFA, but with different transition function, as shown follows −δ: Q X Σ -> 2QNon-deterministic finite automata is defined as a 5 tuple, M=(Q, Σ, δ, q0, F)Where, Q: Finite set of statesΣ: Finite set of the input symbolq0: ... Read More

Explain Non-Deterministic Finite Automata in TOC.

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Jun-2021 13:51:00

16K+ Views

NFA stands for non-deterministic finite automata. It is easy to construct an NFA when compared to DFA for a given regular language.The finite automata are called NFA when there exist many paths for specific input from the current state to the next state.Each NFA can be translated into DFA but ... Read More

Construct DFA with Σ= {0,1} accepts all strings with 0.

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Jun-2021 13:47:32

27K+ Views

A Deterministic Finite automata (DFA) is a collection of defined as a 5-tuples and is as follows −M=(Q, Σ, δ, q0, F)Where, Q: Finite set called states.Σ: Finite set called alphabets.δ: Q × Σ → Q is the transition function.q0 ∈ Q is the start or initial state.F: Final or ... Read More

Explain Deterministic Finite Automata in TOC.

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Jun-2021 13:44:58

16K+ Views

DFA refers to deterministic finite automata. Deterministic refers to the uniqueness of the computation. The finite automata are deterministic FA, if the machine reads an input string one symbol at a time.In DFA, there is only one path input from the current state to the next state. It does not ... Read More

What are different types of finite automata?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Jun-2021 13:41:23

11K+ Views

Finite automata is an abstract computing device. It is a mathematical model of a system with discrete inputs, outputs, states and a set of transitions from state to state that occurs on input symbols from the alphabet Σ.Formal definition of Finite AutomataFinite automata is defined as a 5-tuplesM=(Q, Σ, δ, ... Read More

What is finite automata?

Bhanu Priya

Bhanu Priya

Updated on 11-Jun-2021 13:38:53

13K+ Views

Finite automata is an abstract computing device. It is a mathematical model of a system with discrete inputs, outputs, states and a set of transitions from state to state that occurs on input symbols from the alphabet Σ.Finite Automata RepresentationThe finite automata can be represented in three ways, as given ... Read More
