Ayushya Saxena has Published 2 Articles

How to Check a String Starts/Ends with a Specific String in jQuery?

Ayushya Saxena

Ayushya Saxena

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 14:49:09


JavaScript relationships with the HTML/CSS file, particularly with the Document Object Model (DOM), are made easier through an open-source library called "jQuery". Its traversal and manipulation of HTML files, the control of browser events, the production of DOM visuals, the facilitation of Ajax connections, and cross-platform JavaScript programming are all ... Read More

How to Create a Combined Child Selector in SASS?

Ayushya Saxena

Ayushya Saxena

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 11:53:23


Systematically Awesome Style Sheets, or Sass, is an extension to the core CSS language that performs the role of a pre-processor. Its main goal is to enhance CSS with more advanced features and a more sophisticated look. Sass gives developers the ability to use a completely CSS-compatible syntax by permitting ... Read More
