Ayush Singh has Published 179 Articles

What are some projects or exercises I can do to practice HTML and CSS?

Ayush Singh

Ayush Singh

Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:13:33


To practice HTML and CSS, you'll embrace different ventures and work outs that improve your abilities and understanding of web advancement. A few ventures incorporate making an individual portfolio site to exhibit your work and aptitudes, planning a responsive landing page with intuitive components, building a web journal or article ... Read More

Is it beneficial for SEO to end URLs with .html?

Ayush Singh

Ayush Singh

Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:12:35


Every detail counts in the huge world of search engine optimization (SEO) in the effort to raise website ranks and increase organic traffic. The inclusion of file extensions, such as ".html, " at the end of URLs is one topic of discussion. This article examines the pros and cons of ... Read More

Is HTML helpful for web designing?

Ayush Singh

Ayush Singh

Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:11:23


Web design is essential to influencing user experiences and delivering information successfully in the dynamic world of the internet. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) known for the development of new domains of artistic creation. Since the introduction of WWW (world wide web) and its evolution, HTML has stayed and evolved to ... Read More

How to convert HTML to WordPress?

Ayush Singh

Ayush Singh

Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:10:55


HTML and wordpress are similar yet two different tools. HTML is known to provide clear structure, cross platform compatibility, seamless integration, extensibility, and beginner friendly concepts whereas WordPress is known for its user friendly interface, flexibility, customizability and scalability. The application of this article, migrating an HTML file to WordPress ... Read More

How Many HTML Colors are There?

Ayush Singh

Ayush Singh

Updated on 18-Aug-2023 15:19:28


Hexadecimal notation is used by HTML to express colours, providing a wide range of options. A staggering 16, 777, 216 different colours can be expressed in total. Three sets of two-digit hexadecimal integers that represent the intensity of the RGB (red, green, and blue) components are combined to create colours ... Read More

How is HTML and DHTML different?

Ayush Singh

Ayush Singh

Updated on 18-Aug-2023 15:09:50

1K+ Views

Both HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and DHTML (Dynamic HTML) offer unique characteristics. DHTML mixes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to introduce dynamic and interactive components, whereas HTML defines web page structure statically. Without having to reload the page, DHTML enables user interaction, animations, and real-time content modifications. DHTML's dynamic characteristics, in ... Read More

How easy is it to hack an HTML login form?

Ayush Singh

Ayush Singh

Updated on 18-Aug-2023 14:53:42


HTML login forms are essential components of websites, giving clients a secure way to access limited content or perform verified activities. They serve as the front-end interface where clients input their accreditations, such as usernames and passwords, to get to particular assets. HTML login forms play a significant role ... Read More

How do you write a Javascript code on the HTML page?

Ayush Singh

Ayush Singh

Updated on 18-Aug-2023 14:51:02


The secret to making a dynamic and engaging website is the integration of HTML and JavaScript, A skill important for the developers. The static web pages of HTML are no doubt popular and a stepping stone for beginners, but dynamic and engaging web pages are the ones users prefer. To ... Read More

How do you set the position of an image in HTML?

Ayush Singh

Ayush Singh

Updated on 18-Aug-2023 14:43:07

5K+ Views

Images are a crucial part of web design in HTML since they improve the aesthetics and user experience of web sites. Managing an image's position is essential for attaining the intended layout and design effects. Setting an image's location in HTML is made simple with the help of this article. ... Read More

How do you edit a button size in HTML?

Ayush Singh

Ayush Singh

Updated on 18-Aug-2023 14:36:11

7K+ Views

HTML or Hypertext Markup language offers a great deal of tools to make your web page aesthetic, engaging and helpful. One such tool is buttons in HTML, which has its significant application in front end development. HTML buttons may be used for a wide range of interactive tasks while creating ... Read More
