Ayush Gupta has Published 541 Articles

Maximum value in an array after m range increment operations in C++

Ayush Gupta

Ayush Gupta

Updated on 15-Oct-2020 11:52:25


In this problem, we are given an array arr[] of N elements initialized with 0. Our task is to create a program to find the Maximum value in an array after m range increment operations in C++.Problem DescriptionOn the array, we will perform m range increment operation of the type, ... Read More

Maximum value K such that array has at-least K elements that are >= K in C++

Ayush Gupta

Ayush Gupta

Updated on 09-Oct-2020 09:48:49


In this problem, we are given an array arr. Our task is to create a program to find the Maximum value K such that the array has at-least K elements that are >= K in C++.Problem DescriptionWe need to find a value K, that fulfills the condition that there are ... Read More

Maximum value of an integer for which factorial can be calculated on a machine in C++

Ayush Gupta

Ayush Gupta

Updated on 09-Oct-2020 09:47:58


In this problem, we need to create a program to find Maximum value of an integer for which factorial can be calculated on a machine in C++.Factorial of a number is a huge value, as it is the product of all values preceding it. And C++ can handle large values ... Read More

Maximum Weight Difference in C++

Ayush Gupta

Ayush Gupta

Updated on 09-Oct-2020 09:46:05


In this problem, we are given an array arr[] and a number M. Our task is to create a program to calculate the Maximum Weight Difference in C++.Problem StatementWe will find M elements from the array such that the absolute difference between the sum and the sum of rest elements ... Read More

Queries for characters in a repeated string in C++

Ayush Gupta

Ayush Gupta

Updated on 09-Oct-2020 09:43:56


In this problem, we are given a string str and Q queries consisting of two values a and b. Our task is to create a program to solve Queries for characters in a repeated string in C++.Problem DescriptionTo solve each query, we need to check whether the characters at index ... Read More

Maximum value with the choice of either dividing or considering as it is in C++ program

Ayush Gupta

Ayush Gupta

Updated on 09-Oct-2020 09:34:55


In this problem, we are given a number N. Our task is to create a program to find to Maximum value with the choice of either dividing or considering as it is in C++.Problem DescriptionTo find the maximum, we can consider any two values, either by take the value as ... Read More

Maximums from array when the maximum decrements after every access in C++

Ayush Gupta

Ayush Gupta

Updated on 09-Oct-2020 09:33:33


In this problem, we are given an array arr[]and an integer M. Our task is to create a program to find Maximums from array when the maximum decrements after every access in C++.Problem DescriptionTo find the maximum, we will find the maximum element from the array and after every retrieval ... Read More

Queries for counts of multiples in an array in C++

Ayush Gupta

Ayush Gupta

Updated on 09-Oct-2020 09:30:02


In this problem, we are given an arr[] and Q queries each consisting of a value m. Our task is to create a program to solve the Queries for counts of multiples in an array in C++.Problem DescriptionFor solving the queries, we need to count all the numbers that are ... Read More

Queries for counts of array elements with values in given range in C++

Ayush Gupta

Ayush Gupta

Updated on 09-Oct-2020 09:21:35


In this problem, we are given an array arr[] and Q queries, each can be one of the two types, {1, L, R}− For the count of array elements in the range [L, R].{2, index, val}− For updating the element at index with val.Our task is to create a program ... Read More

Find distance between two nodes of a Binary Tree in C++ Program

Ayush Gupta

Ayush Gupta

Updated on 09-Oct-2020 09:14:45


In this problem, we are given a binary tree and two nodes. Our task is to create a program to Find distance between two nodes of a Binary Tree.Problem DescriptionWe need to find the distance between two nodes which is the minimum number of edges that will be traversed when ... Read More
