Atharva Shah has Published 81 Articles

Get Financial Data from Yahoo Finance with Python

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 18-Jul-2023 17:42:44

3K+ Views

Trading, investing, and other financial professionals need access to financial data since investment research is reliant on it. Yahoo Finance, which offers up-to-date market statistics, news, and analysis, is one of the most well-known sources of financial information. Python is a robust and flexible programming language that can be used ... Read More

Find the siblings of tags using BeautifulSoup

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 09-May-2023 17:11:13


Data may be extracted from websites using the useful method known as web scraping and a popular Python package for web scraping is BeautifulSoup which offers a simple method for parsing HTML and XML documents, enabling us to extract certain data from web sites. Finding the siblings of a ... Read More

Find the size of a Dictionary in Python

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 09-May-2023 15:00:03

5K+ Views

Working with Python dictionaries, a powerful data type, necessitates an understanding of their size and memory requirements. Assuming you're working with word references in Python, you might have to decide their size to allot adequate memory or perform explicit activities. Fortunately, the size of a dictionary can be determined with ... Read More

Find the roots of the polynomials using NumPy

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 09-May-2023 14:58:00

2K+ Views

Finding the roots of polynomials is an essential operation in mathematics, and NumPy provides an easy and efficient way to accomplish this task. NumPy is a powerful library for scientific computing in Python, and its functions for polynomial manipulation are especially useful. Syntax The NumPy library has a function named ... Read More

Find the profit and loss percent in the given Excel sheet using Pandas

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 09-May-2023 14:57:03


Profit and loss percent is an important financial metric that helps in analyzing the profitability of a business. It is calculated by finding the difference between the total revenue and total cost, and then dividing that value by the total cost. In this technical blog, we will learn how to ... Read More

Find the profit and loss in the given Excel sheet using Pandas

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 09-May-2023 14:53:19


Pandas is a popular data manipulation and analysis library in Python that is widely used by data scientists and analysts. It provides several functions for working with data in Excel sheets. One of the most common tasks in analyzing financial data is finding the profit and loss in a given ... Read More

Find the position of number that is multiple of certain number

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 09-May-2023 12:37:57


Programmers frequently need to locate a number that is a multiple of another number. We have a number of methods available to us in Python to complete this task. This article will examine various approaches to locating a number that is a multiple of a given integer. The use of ... Read More

HandCalcs Module Python

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 09-May-2023 12:36:30


HandCalcs is a Python module for automatic Latex report generation from Python code with minimal coding effort. HandCalcs uses Python's symbolic math library to track calculation history and translate it into LaTeX code. It can be used to automatically generate mathematical equations in LaTeX format. This module is a must-have ... Read More

HDF5 Files in Python

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 09-May-2023 12:34:00

2K+ Views

The file type HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format 5) is frequently used for storing and handling huge and intricate data sets. It is the perfect option for scientific and industrial uses because it is made to be versatile, scalable, and effective. Python is one of the many programming languages that can ... Read More

Full outer join in PySpark dataframe

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 08-May-2023 16:54:04

2K+ Views

A Full Outer Join is an operation that combines the results of a left outer join and a right outer join. In PySpark, it is used to join two dataframes based on a specific condition where all the records from both dataframes are included in the output regardless of whether ... Read More
