Atharva Shah has Published 81 Articles

Generate a list using given frequency list

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 18:19:07


Generating a list using a given frequency list is a common problem in programming. The task involves creating a list of elements based on the frequency distribution of those elements. This can be useful in many scenarios, such as generating a password with a specific character distribution or generating random ... Read More

Generate a Hermite_e series with given roots using NumPy in Python

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 18:17:34


Hermite polynomials are a set of orthogonal polynomials that are useful in a variety of mathematical applications. They are commonly used in the solution of differential equations, probability theory, and quantum mechanics. The Hermite_e series is a variation of the Hermite polynomial that is used to represent a function in ... Read More

Gauss’s Forward Interpolation

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 18:16:13

1K+ Views

Gauss's Forward Interpolation is a numerical method that enables us to ascertain the value of a function at a certain point within a specific range using a sequence of equally spaced data points. This method of polynomial interpolation uses Newton's Divided Difference Formula to calculate the coefficients of the polynomial. ... Read More

Gauge Chart in pygal

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 18:15:05


Gauge charts are a type of chart used to represent a value or a range of values in a circular format. These charts are similar to speedometer gauges in cars, where a needle points to a particular value on the gauge. Gauge charts can be useful for visualizing data related ... Read More

Gantt Chart in plotly

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 18:12:44


A Gantt chart is a popular way of representing a project schedule. It is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule, including the start and end dates of tasks and the dependencies between tasks. Gantt charts are widely used in project management to visually represent project plans ... Read More

G-Fact 19 (Logical and Bitwise Not Operators on Boolean)

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 18:11:22


Boolean operators are the foundation of logic in computer science. They are used to perform logical and bitwise operations on binary data. In Python, the logical not operator is used to negate a boolean expression while the bitwise not operator is used to invert the bits in a number. In ... Read More

Funnel Chart in Pygal

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 18:03:58


A particular sort of chart that is frequently used to show the steps in a process is a funnel chart and it is named so due to its funnel-like design, which has a broad top and a small bottom. The chart sections are divided into stages, and the quantity of ... Read More

Functors and their use in Python

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 18:01:53


Functional programming uses the idea of functors to help programmers create more modular, reusable, and reasonable code. They are a means to enclose a value or a function in an object and then manipulate that object without altering the original object. Functors are a potent tool for writing modular, reusable ... Read More

Functions that accept variable length key value pair as arguments

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 17:57:52


Functions that take parameters in the form of variable-length key-value pairs can be defined in Python. This enables more dynamic and versatile functions that can handle a variety of inputs. When a function has to be able to handle arbitrary or optional parameters, this feature is frequently employed. Learn how ... Read More

Function overloading with singledispatch-functools

Atharva Shah

Atharva Shah

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 17:53:23


Function overloading is a popular concept in object-oriented programming where functions can have the same name but different parameters. This enables the developer to write functions that can perform different operations based on the input parameters. However, Python doesn't support function overloading as traditionally seen in other object-oriented languages such ... Read More

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