Arpana Jain has Published 39 Articles

Julia Fractal in Python

Arpana Jain

Arpana Jain

Updated on 12-Oct-2023 12:31:40


Julia Fractal in Python: Introduction Fractals are intriguing mathematical entities that display complex and repetitive patterns. The Julia fractal, which bears the name of French mathematician Gaston Julia, is one such fascinating fractal. Iterating a straightforward mathematical function over complex integers creates the Julia fractal. In the fields of mathematics ... Read More

Joke App in python using Bottle Framework

Arpana Jain

Arpana Jain

Updated on 12-Oct-2023 12:29:09


Joke App in python using Bottle Framework: Introduction With the introduction of joke applications, humour and amusement have taken on a new shape in the current digital era. Users of these applications can access a huge library of jokes, puns, and humorous stories to add humour and happiness to their ... Read More

Inventory Management with JSON in Python

Arpana Jain

Arpana Jain

Updated on 12-Oct-2023 12:14:02


Inventory Management with JSON : Introduction Any firm that handles and tracks items or products needs to have effective inventory management. In order to guarantee that there is a sufficient supply of goods for clients and avoid overstocking or stockouts, it entails the process of monitoring and controlling the ... Read More

Introduction to Support Vector Machines (SVM)

Arpana Jain

Arpana Jain

Updated on 12-Oct-2023 12:11:36


Introduction to Support Vector Machines (SVM) Support Vector Machines (SVM) is a potent technique in the field of machine learning that can be applied to both classification and regression analysis. It is widely utilized in many areas, including bioinformatics, text classification, and picture classification. The capacity of SVM to ... Read More

Introduction to Theory of Evolution

Arpana Jain

Arpana Jain

Updated on 12-Oct-2023 11:29:16


Introduction to Evolution in Python: Unleashing the Power of Genetic Algorithms Python is a flexible programming language that has become extremely popular among developers because of its ease of use and adaptability. It offers a variety of frameworks and tools that make it easier to create sophisticated algorithms and solutions. ... Read More

Introduction to Tensor with Tensorflow

Arpana Jain

Arpana Jain

Updated on 12-Oct-2023 11:14:55


Tensor with Tensorflow : Introduction Machine learning has recently gained popularity in the tech sector. It ultimately comes down to creating models and algorithms that can learn from data and forecast or take actions based on that data. Tensors, multidimensional arrays that can store numerical data, are one ... Read More

Joining NumPy Array

Arpana Jain

Arpana Jain

Updated on 11-Oct-2023 14:09:14


Joining NumPy Array: Introduction The Python environment is home to the well-liked NumPy library, which offers strong capabilities for numerical computing. It serves as the foundation for scientific computing and data processing jobs thanks to its array manipulation capabilities. It is frequently important to join arrays while working with data ... Read More

Joining Excel Data from Multiple Files using Python Pandas

Arpana Jain

Arpana Jain

Updated on 11-Oct-2023 14:07:38


Joining Excel Data From Multiple Files Using Python Pandas: Introduction Effectively merging and analyzing this data becomes essential as firms deal with enormous amounts of data contained in numerous Excel files. An elegant method for combining Excel data from various files is provided by Python's potent Pandas data processing package. ... Read More

Join two text columns into a single column in Pandas

Arpana Jain

Arpana Jain

Updated on 11-Oct-2023 14:03:01


Join two Text Columns Into a Single Column in Pandas: Introduction Python has a robust data analysis and manipulation module called Pandas. It offers a range of tools and strategies for handling and transforming data effectively. Combining or uniting numerous columns into one column is a common procedure when working ... Read More

Inverse Gamma Distribution in Python

Arpana Jain

Arpana Jain

Updated on 11-Oct-2023 14:01:31


Introduction A continuous probability distribution known as the inverse gamma appears in many disciplines, such as Bayesian statistics, economics, and physics. It serves as the conjugate prior for the accuracy parameter in the normal distribution and is frequently employed to represent variables with positive skewness. The Inverse Gamma distribution, its ... Read More
