Arnab Chakraborty has Published 4452 Articles

Check whether given string can be generated after concatenating given strings in Python

Arnab Chakraborty

Arnab Chakraborty

Updated on 16-Jan-2021 04:33:33


Suppose we have two strings s and t and r, we have to check whether r = s | t or r = t + s where | denotes concatenation.So, if the input is like s = "world" t = "hello" r = "helloworld", then the output will be True ... Read More

Check whether given floating point number is even or odd in Python

Arnab Chakraborty

Arnab Chakraborty

Updated on 16-Jan-2021 04:29:44


Suppose we have a floating point number; we have to check whether the number is odd or even. In general, for integer it is easy by dividing the last digit by 2. But for floating point number it is not straight forward like that. We cannot divide last digit by ... Read More

Check whether given degrees of vertices represent a Graph or Tree in Python

Arnab Chakraborty

Arnab Chakraborty

Updated on 16-Jan-2021 04:28:56


Suppose we have a list of degrees of some vertices. We have to check whether it is forming graph or tree.So, if the input is like deg = [2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1], then the output will be TreeTo solve this, we will follow these steps −vert := number ... Read More

Check whether given circle resides in boundary maintained by two other circles in Python

Arnab Chakraborty

Arnab Chakraborty

Updated on 16-Jan-2021 04:28:04


Suppose we have two radius values r1 and r2 of two concentric circles. We have another input coordinate coord and a radius value r. We have to check whether the circle whose center is placed at coord and it fits inside the boundary of two given concentric circles.So, if the ... Read More

Check if the given number K is enough to reach the end of an array in Python

Arnab Chakraborty

Arnab Chakraborty

Updated on 15-Jan-2021 06:52:11


Suppose we have an array nums and another value k. We have to check whether it is possible to reach the end of the array by performing these operations or not Operation: Traverse nums and, if any non-prime value is there then decrement the value of k by 1. Now ... Read More

Check if the given number is Ore number or not in Python

Arnab Chakraborty

Arnab Chakraborty

Updated on 15-Jan-2021 06:50:43


Suppose we have a number n. We have to check whether n is an ore number or not. As we know an ore number is a number whose divisors have an integer harmonic value.So, if the input is like 28, then the output will be True as there are six ... Read More

Check if the given decimal number has 0 and 1 digits only in Python

Arnab Chakraborty

Arnab Chakraborty

Updated on 15-Jan-2021 06:48:54


Suppose we have a number num. We have to check whether num is consists of only 0s and 1s or not.So, if the input is like num = 101101, then the output will be True.To solve this, we will follow these steps −digits_set := a new set with all elements ... Read More

Check if the given array contains all the divisors of some integer in Python

Arnab Chakraborty

Arnab Chakraborty

Updated on 15-Jan-2021 06:47:59


Suppose we have an array nums, we have to check whether this array is containing all of the divisors of some integer or not.So, if the input is like nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24], then the output will be True as these are the divisors ... Read More

Check if the given array can be reduced to zeros with the given operation performed given number of times in Python

Arnab Chakraborty

Arnab Chakraborty

Updated on 15-Jan-2021 06:42:29


Suppose we have an array nums and a value k, we have to check whether the elements in nums can be made 0 by performing the following operation exactly k number of times or not.Operation: The smallest element from the nums will be subtracted from all of the non-zero values ... Read More

Check if the frequency of any character is more than half the length of the string in Python

Arnab Chakraborty

Arnab Chakraborty

Updated on 15-Jan-2021 06:41:42


Suppose we have a string s with lowercase, uppercase, numeric and special characters. We have to check whether frequency of any one of character is more than the half of length of string or not.So, if the input is like s = "CC*Ca5&CC", then the output will be True as ... Read More
