Arjun Thakur has Published 1109 Articles

DoubleStream summaryStatistics() method in Java

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


The summaryStatistics() method of the DoubleStream class returns a DoubleSummaryStatistics describing various summary data about the elements of this stream. This is a special case of a reduction.The syntax is as followsDoubleSummaryStatistics summaryStatistics()Here, DoubleSummaryStatistics is a state object for collecting statistics such as count, min, max, average, etc. It works ... Read More

How to count the number of documents in a MongoDB collection?

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Following is the syntax to count the number of documents in a MongoDB collectionlet anyVariableName= db.getCollection(‘yourCollectionName’); yourVariableName.count();Let us first create a collection with documents> db.countNumberOfDocumentsDemo.insertOne({"CustomerName":"Bob"}); {    "acknowledged" : true,    "insertedId" : ObjectId("5c9a5e2015e86fd1496b38a1") } >db.countNumberOfDocumentsDemo.insertOne({"CustomerName":"Ramit", "CustomerAge":23}); {    "acknowledged" : true,    "insertedId" : ObjectId("5c9a5e3515e86fd1496b38a2") } >db.countNumberOfDocumentsDemo.insertOne({"CustomerName":"Adam", "CustomerAge":27, "CustomerCountryName":"US"}); ... Read More

How can I the date of creation and updation of tables in MySQL?

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Get the create and update tables exact date using the create_time or update_time in MySQL.At first, use the SHOW command. The syntax is as followsSHOW TABLE STATUS;We are considering our database ‘test3’, which is already having some tablesmysql> use test3; Database changedNow use the following query to display all the ... Read More

LongStream of() method in Java

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


The LongStream class in Java the following two forms of the of() method.The following of() method returns a sequential LongStream containing a single element. Here is the syntaxstatic LongStream of(long t)Here, parameter t is the single element.The following of() method returns a sequential ordered stream whose elements are the specified ... Read More

Type Inference in C++

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Type inference or deduction refers to the automatic detection of the data type of an expression in a programming language. It is a feature present in some strongly statically typed languages. In C++, the auto keyword(added in C++ 11) is used for automatic type deduction. For example, you want to ... Read More

What is AbstractSequentialList class in Java?

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


The AbstractSequentialList class provides an implementation of the List interface. For an unmodifiable list, implement the list iterator's hasNext, next, hasPrevious, previous and index methods. For a modifiable list the programmer should implement the list iterator's set method.The syntax is as followspublic abstract class AbstractSequentialList extends AbstractListTo work with the ... Read More

Pull and add to set at the same time with MongoDB? Is it Possible?

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Yes, you can use pull and add at the same time with $addToSet and $pull operator. Let us first create a collection with documents> db.pullAndAddToSetDemo.insertOne({StudentScores : [78, 89, 90]} ... ); {    "acknowledged" : true,    "insertedId" : ObjectId("5c9a797e15e86fd1496b38af") }Following is the query to display all documents from a ... Read More

Command line arguments in C/C++

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25

4K+ Views

It is possible to pass some values from the command line to your C programs when they are executed. These values are called command line arguments and many times they are important for your program especially when you want to control your program from outside instead of hard coding those ... Read More

How to use actual row count (COUNT(*)) in WHERE clause without writing the same query as subquery in MySql?

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25

2K+ Views

Achieve this with the help of where clause.The syntax is as followsSELECT yourColumnName1, yourColumnName2, ...N FROM yourTableName WHERE (    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM yourTableName )=2;To understand the concept, let us create a table. The query to create a table is as followsmysql> create table CountWithSubqueryDemo    - > (   ... Read More

Get Distinct Values with Sorted Data in MongoDB?

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Following is the query to get distinct values with sorted data in MongoDBdb.yourCollectionName.distinct("yourFieldName").sort();Let us first create a collection with documents>db.getDistinctWithSortedDataDemo.insertOne({"StudentId":10, "StudentName":"John", "StudentAge":23}); {    "acknowledged" : true,    "insertedId" : ObjectId("5c9b1e3315e86fd1496b38c3") } >db.getDistinctWithSortedDataDemo.insertOne({"StudentId":20, "StudentName":"Carol", "StudentAge":21}); {    "acknowledged" : true,    "insertedId" : ObjectId("5c9b1e3e15e86fd1496b38c4") } >db.getDistinctWithSortedDataDemo.insertOne({"StudentId":10, "StudentName":"John", "StudentAge":23}); {   ... Read More
