Arjun Thakur has Published 1109 Articles

How to read inputs as integers in C#?

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 22-Oct-2023 02:02:33

26K+ Views

To read inputs as integers in C#, use the Convert.ToInt32() method.res = Convert.ToInt32(val);Let us see how −The Convert.ToInt32 converts the specified string representation of a number to an equivalent 32-bit signed integer.Firstly, read the console input −string val; val = Console.ReadLine();After reading, convert it to an res; res = ... Read More

8085 Program to Add two 8 Bit numbers

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 07-Oct-2023 02:53:58

29K+ Views

In this program, we will see how to add two 8-bit numbers using 8085 microprocessor.Problem StatementWrite 8085 Assembly language program to add two 8-bit numbers and store the result at locations 8050H and 8051H.DiscussionTo perform this task, we are using the ADD operation of 8085 Microprocessor. When the result of ... Read More

C++ Program to Implement Doubly Linked List

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 05-Oct-2023 01:16:17

32K+ Views

Doubly linked list is a type of data structure that is made up of nodes that are created using self referential structures. Each of these nodes contain three parts, namely the data and the reference to the next list node and the reference to the previous list node.Only the reference ... Read More

How to append a second list to an existing list in C#?

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 04-Oct-2023 21:27:32

28K+ Views

Use the AddRange() method to append a second list to an existing list.Here is list one −List < string > list1 = new List < string > (); list1.Add("One"); list1.Add("Two");Here is list two −List < string > list2 = new List < string > (); list2.Add("Three"); ist2.Add("Four");Now let ... Read More

How do I convert a char to an int in C and C++?

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 15-Sep-2023 02:26:23

22K+ Views

In C language, there are three methods to convert a char type variable to an int. These are given as follows −sscanf()atoi()TypecastingHere is an example of converting char to int in C language, Example Live Demo#include #include int main() {    const char *str = "12345";    char c = 's'; ... Read More

How to count the number of tables in a MySQL database?

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 14-Sep-2023 15:39:55

31K+ Views

To count the total number of tables, use the concept of count(*) with table_schema. First, to check how many tables are present in our database "business", we need to use the 'show' command. mysql> show tables; The following is the output that displays all the tables in the database "business". ... Read More

How to use datetime input type in HTML?

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 14-Sep-2023 02:22:10

27K+ Views

The datetime input type is used in HTML using the . Using this, allow the users to select date and time. A date time picker popup is visible whenever input field is clicked.Note − The input type datetime is not supported in Firefox and Internet Explorer. It works on Google ... Read More

C++ Program to Implement Sorted Array

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 14-Sep-2023 01:46:43

26K+ Views

A sorted array is an array in which each of the elements are sorted in some order such as numerical, alphabetical etc. There are many algorithms to sort a numerical array such as bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, merge sort, quick sort, heap sort, etc. More details about sorting ... Read More

How to get the next auto-increment id in MySQL?

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 14-Sep-2023 01:25:33

29K+ Views

MySQL has the AUTO_INCREMENT keyword to perform auto-increment. The starting value for AUTO_INCREMENT is 1, which is the default. It will get increment by 1 for each new record. To get the next auto increment id in MySQL, we can use the function last_insert_id() from MySQL or auto_increment with SELECT. ... Read More

Retrieve an element from ArrayList in Java

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 13-Sep-2023 15:42:52

26K+ Views

An element can be retrieved from the ArrayList in Java by using the java.util.ArrayList.get() method. This method has a single parameter i.e. the index of the element that is returned.A program that demonstrates this is given as followsExample Live Demoimport java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Demo { public ... Read More
