Arjun Thakur has Published 1109 Articles

Microcontrollers and Digital Signal Processors

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 12:01:02

2K+ Views

A Microcontroller is a small and low-cost microcomputer, which is designed to perform the specific tasks of embedded systems like displaying microwave’s information, receiving remote signals etc.The general microcontroller consists of the processor, the memory (RAM, ROM, EPROM), Serial ports, peripherals (timers, counters) etc.Types of MicrocontrollersMicrocontrollers are divided into various categories ... Read More

Differences in Microcomputer, Microprocessor and Microcontroller

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 11:05:24

16K+ Views

Let us discuss Microcomputer, Microprocessor, and Microcontroller in this article and also to highlight their respective differences in between. MicrocomputerA microcomputer can be defined as a small sized, inexpensive, and limited capability computer. It has the same architectural block structure that is present on a computer. Present-day microcomputers are having smaller ... Read More

High-level language program

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 11:01:32

2K+ Views

High level language is the next development in the evolution of computer languages. Examples of some high-level languages are given belowPROLOG (for “PROgramming LOGic”)FORTRAN (for ‘FORrmula TRANslation’)LISP (for “LISt Processing”)Pascal (named after the French scientist Blaise Pascal).High-level languages are like English-like language, with less words also known as keywords and ... Read More

eval() function in PHP

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 08:56:41


The eval() function evaluates a string as PHP code.Syntaxeval(code)Parameterscode − The PHP code to be evaluated.ReturnThe eval() function returns null unless a return statement is called in the code string. Then the value passed to return is returned. if there is a parse error in the code string, eval() returns ... Read More


Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 08:53:49


The FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING constant deletes tags and encodes special characters from a string.FlagsFILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES − Do not encode quotesFILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW − Removes characters with ASCII value less than 32FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH − Removes characters with ASCII value greater than 127FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_LOW − Encodes characters with ASCII value less than 32FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_HIGH − Encodes characters with ASCII value ... Read More

constant() function in PHP

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 08:50:44


The constant() function returns the value of a constant.Syntaxconstant(const)Parametersconst − The name of the constant to checkReturnThe constant() function returns the value of a constant and NULL if the constant is not defined.ExampleThe following is an example that defines a constant. Live DemoOutputThe following is the output.This is it!Read More


Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 08:40:01


The FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL constant deletes all illegal characters from an email address.ReturnThe FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL constant does not return anything.ExampleOutputThe following is the

Output Devices in Computer

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 08:38:28


Output devices are used for displaying or recording the results computed by the computer. Most common output devices are the CRT display,  printer, and plotter.Following are some of the important output devices used in a computer.MonitorsGraphics PlotterPrinterMonitorsMonitors, commonly called a Visual Display Unit (VDU), are the main output device of a computer. ... Read More


Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 08:30:08


The FILTER_VALIDATE_INT constant validates value as integer.Options and flagsmin_range − The minimum integer valuemax_range − The maximum integer valueFILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_OCTAL − Allows octal number valuesFILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_HEX − Allows hexadecimal number valuesReturnThe FILTER_VALIDATE_INT constant does not return anything.Example Live DemoOutputThe following is the output.float(3.5) Integer VariableLet us see another example.Example Live DemoOutputHere is the output.Accepted ... Read More

Computers Input/Output Ports

Arjun Thakur

Arjun Thakur

Updated on 27-Jun-2020 08:09:29

1K+ Views

CPU and the main memory are having speed faster compared to the electromechanical input or output devices like printers, mouse etc. In such a case it is essential that the data lines of the computer should not kept engaged for a long time during communication with input/output (I/O) devices. Otherwise ... Read More
