Anusha Karthik has Published 243 Articles

Give One Example of an Evolutionary Change Produced in an Organism for One Purpose Which Later On Becomes More Useful for A Different Function.

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 03-May-2023 17:39:51


Introduction Evolution is a remarkable process that has shaped life on Earth over billions of years. It is the result of countless changes and adaptations that have occurred in response to changing environments and survival pressures. One fascinating phenomenon that has emerged from this process is evolutionary exaptation, where a ... Read More

Name Any Four Varieties of Vegetables Which Have Been Produced from 'Wild Cabbage' By The Process of Artificial Selection.

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 03-May-2023 17:25:52


Introduction The art of artificial selection, also known as selective breeding, has been an integral part of human agriculture for thousands of years. By carefully choosing and breeding plants with desirable traits, humans have been able to transform wild species into cultivated crops that provide sustenance and flavour to our ... Read More

Can The Wings of a Butterfly and The Wings of a Bat Be Regarded as Homologous? Why?

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 03-May-2023 17:17:05


Introduction The wings of a butterfly and the wings of a bat are two very different structures. While they both allow the organisms to fly, they are not homologous. Homologous structures are structures that are similar in shape, structure, and function because they evolved from a common ancestor. In this ... Read More

Tendrils of Cucurbits and Spines of Bougainvillea Are Homologous Organs. Why?

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 03-May-2023 17:12:23


Introduction Tendrils of cucurbits and spines of bougainvillea are homologous organs. Homologous organsare those that have the same evolutionary origin but serve different functions in different species. The content below explores the homology between tendrils of cucurbits and spines of bougainvillea and why they are considered to be ... Read More

Give The Respective Scientific Terms Used for Studying: (i) The Mechanism by Which Variation Are Created and Inherited and (ii) The Development of New Type of Organisms from The Existing Ones.

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 03-May-2023 17:05:36


Introduction The world we live in is diverse, and it is not just the physical landscapes that differ from one another, but the living organisms as well. There are millions of species of living organisms, each with its unique characteristics and traits. For centuries, scientists have been trying to understand ... Read More

Why Viruses Are Not Seen Under the Category of Main Types of Microorganisms?

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 03-May-2023 16:33:47


Introduction When we think of microorganisms, we usually think of bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. However, viruses are not typically included in this group. Why is that? The reason is that viruses are different from other microorganisms in several ways. In this article, we will explore why viruses are not seen ... Read More

(a) Why is the F1 Progeny Always of Tall Plants When a Tall Pea Plant Is Crossed with A Short Pea Plant? (b) How Is F2 Progeny Obtained by Self-Pollination of F1 Progeny Different from F1 Progeny? Give Reason for This Observation. (c) State A Conclusion That Can Be Drawn On the Basis of This Observation.

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 03-May-2023 15:54:08


Introduction The study of genetics has been one of the most intriguing and thought-provoking fields in biology. Since the discovery of DNA, scientists have been trying to unravel the secrets of heredity and understand how traits are passed on from one generation to the next. One of the most famous ... Read More

Why Do Pickles Spoils in The Rainy Season?

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 03-May-2023 15:48:16


Introduction Pickles are a popular food item, enjoyed by many around the world. However, during the rainy season, pickles are prone to spoilage. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as high humidity, temperature fluctuations, and bacterial growth. In this article, we will explore in detail the ... Read More

Why Are the Cartilage Rings Present in The Trachea?

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 03-May-2023 15:29:30


Introduction The human body is an incredible machine that is made up of intricate parts that all work together to keep us alive and functioning. One such part is the trachea, which is commonly known as the windpipe. Trachea The trachea is a vital organ that helps to transport air ... Read More

Which Was the First Life Form On the Earth?

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 03-May-2023 15:10:57


Introduction The question of which was the first life form on Earth is one that has intrigued scientists and scholars for centuries. Despite years of research, we still do not have a conclusive answer. However, through the study of fossils, genetic evidence, and the development of the Earth's environment, we ... Read More

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