Anusha Karthik has Published 243 Articles

Switching Off Unnecessary Lights and Fans and Repairing Leaking Taps Correctly Defines Which Term of 5R? (A) Recycle (B) Reuse(C) Repurpose (D) Reduce

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 03-May-2023 10:34:58


Introduction The world is moving towards sustainable living, and it has become crucial to practice eco-friendliness in our day-to-day life. Switching off unnecessary lights and fans and repairing leaking taps are two of the most basic things we can do to contribute to a sustainable lifestyle. Not only do these ... Read More

a) What Is Puberty? (b) Describe in Brief the Functions of the Following Parts in The Human Male Reproductive System: (i) Testes (ii) Seminal Vesicle (iii) Vas Deferens (iv) Urethra (c) Why Are Testes Located Outside the Abdominal Cavity? (d) State How Sperms Move Towards the Female Germ Cell.

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 03-May-2023 10:23:35


(a) What is Puberty? Puberty is a period of significant physical, emotional, and psychological changes that occur in an individual's life during their teenage years. It is a crucial period of transition from childhood to adulthood, and it marks the onset of sexual maturation. It is a natural and gradual ... Read More

Name Two Industries Based On Forest Produce

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 03-May-2023 10:18:30


Introduction Forests are not only a source of natural beauty, but they also provide raw materials for various industries. The forest industry is an essential contributor to the global economy. Two industries based on forest produce that have been around for centuries are the paper industry and the furniture industry. ... Read More

(a) Name The Mode of Reproduction of the Following Organisms and State the Important Feature of Each Mode: (i) Planaria (ii) Hydra (iii) Rhizopus (b) We Can Develop New Plants from The Leaves of Podophyllum. Comment. (c) List Two Advantages of Vegetative Propagation Over Other Modes of Reproduction.

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 03-May-2023 10:14:09


(a) Mode of Reproduction in Planaria, Hydra, and Rhizopus Planaria Planaria is a free-living flatworm that can regenerate its entire body from just a small fragment of its body. The mode of reproduction in planaria is asexual, which means it involves only one parent. This type of reproduction is known ... Read More

Mark (T) If The Statement Is True and (F) If It Is False: (i) Carbon Dioxide Is Released During Photosynthesis. (T/F) (ii) Plants That Synthesize Their Food Are Called Saprotrophs. (T/F)

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 03-May-2023 10:04:19


An Overview of Photosynthesis and Saprotrophs Photosynthesis is a vital process for life on earth, as it allows plants to produce their own food using energy from the sun. In this article, we will explore the process of photosynthesis and discuss the statement that carbon dioxide is released during photosynthesis. ... Read More

In The Experimental Set Up to Show That “CO2 Is Given Out During Respiration”, Name The Substance Taken in The Small Test Tube Kept in The Conical Flask. State Its Function and The Consequence of Its Use.

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 02-May-2023 18:09:48


Introduction Respiration is an essential process that occurs in all living organisms, where energy is released from glucose molecules to power cellular activities. This process is characterized by the consumption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a waste product. The experiment to demonstrate the release of ... Read More

How Does Cauliflower Reproduce Using Vegetative Propagation?

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 02-May-2023 17:58:49


Introduction Cauliflower, a member of the Brassicaceae family, is a nutritious vegetable that is popular all over the world. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, making it an excellent addition to any diet. The cauliflower plant is a biennial, which means it takes two years to complete its ... Read More

How Can You Test the Presence of Starch in A Leaf? What Do You Conclude When White Patches Do Not Turn Blue-Black On Adding Iodine Solution?

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 02-May-2023 17:49:22


Introduction Starch is a complex carbohydrate made up of long chains of glucose molecules that can be found in many plants, including leaves. In plants, starch is a major source of energy that is stored in different parts of the plant, including the leaves. One way to test the presence ... Read More
