Anusha Karthik has Published 243 Articles

Write The Essential Function Performed by Ozone at The Higher Levels of the Earth’s Atmosphere? How Is It Produced? Name The Synthetic Chemicals Mainly Responsible for The Drop of the Amount of Ozone in The Atmosphere. How Can the Use of These Chemicals Be Reduced?

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 22-May-2023 11:10:31


Introduction Ozone is a naturally occurring gas found in the Earth's atmosphere, and it plays an essential role in protecting life on our planet. Ozone is located in two layers of the atmosphere: the stratosphere and the troposphere. The stratospheric ozone layer is the layer of ozone that is responsible ... Read More

Why Should We Take Antibiotics in The Right Dose?

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 22-May-2023 11:01:36


Introduction Antibiotics are one of the most commonly prescribed medications in the world. They are used to treat bacterial infections, ranging from simple ear infections to life-threatening conditions like pneumonia and sepsis. However, with the increasing use of antibiotics, the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria has become a significant concern. One ... Read More

Why Permanent Tissues Do Not Have Cell Division?

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 22-May-2023 10:50:58


Introduction The human body is composed of trillions of cells, which are grouped into different tissues. Tissues are specialized structures with a unique set of functions. They are made up of two types of cells, namely permanent tissues and meristematic tissues. Permanent tissues are the ones that have reached a ... Read More

(a) Why Is the Use of Iodized Salt Advisable? Name The Disease Caused Due to Deficiency of Iodine in Our Diet and State Its One Symptom. (b) How Do Nerve Impulses Travel in The Body? Explain.

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 22-May-2023 10:41:29


Part A: Why Is the Use of Iodized Salt Advisable? Iodine is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining proper thyroid function and preventing a host of related illnesses. According to the World Health Organization, iodine deficiency is the world's most prevalent yet easily preventable cause of ... Read More

Why Do Different Flowers Bear Different Colors?

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 22-May-2023 10:33:51


Introduction Flowers are some of the most beautiful and intricate creations of nature. They come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, and they are used for various purposes such as decoration, medicine, and food. But have you ever wondered why different flowers bear different colors? In this article, we will ... Read More

Why Chlorophyll Is Green in Colour?

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 22-May-2023 10:24:20


Introduction Chlorophyll is the pigment responsible for the green coloration in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. It is an essential molecule for the process of photosynthesis, which is the means by which these organisms convert sunlight into energy. But why is chlorophyll green? What gives it this distinctive color, and what ... Read More

Who is the Father of Virology?

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 22-May-2023 10:19:41


Introduction The field of virology, which deals with the study of viruses and their interactions with host organisms, is a relatively young and rapidly evolving discipline. Despite the progress that has been made in recent years, the origins of virology remain somewhat mysterious. One question that has long intrigued scientists ... Read More

Which of The Following Structures Is Involved in Gaseous Exchange in The Woody Stem of a Plant? (a) Stomata (b) Lenticel (c) Guard cell (d) Epidermis

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 22-May-2023 10:09:46


Introduction Plants are complex living organisms that rely on several biological processes to survive and thrive. One of the essential processes is gaseous exchange, which involves the intake of carbon dioxide and the release of oxygen through specialized structures in the plant's leaves, stem, and roots. In the woody stem ... Read More

Which Microbe Is Present in Intestine That Is Friendly?

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 19-May-2023 18:10:18


Introduction The human body is an intricate machine, comprising different systems that work together to keep it functioning at optimal levels. One of the most crucial systems is the digestive system, which is responsible for breaking down food and extracting nutrients for energy and growth. The digestive system relies on ... Read More

What Will Happen When You Add a Drop of Iodine to Starch?

Anusha Karthik

Anusha Karthik

Updated on 19-May-2023 17:56:46


Introduction What happens when you add a drop of iodine to starch? The answer to this question lies in the complex chemistry of carbohydrates and the unique properties of iodine. Starch is a complex carbohydrate that is made up of long chains of glucose molecules. These glucose molecules are linked ... Read More

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