AmitDiwan has Published 11365 Articles

How to add a Video Player in ReactJS?



Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:45:19

12K+ Views

Tp add a Video Player in ReactJS, we first need to install a video player library such as 'react-player' or 'react-video-js'. Next, we import the library and use the designated component in our JSX code. Lastly, we provide the necessary props such as the video source and any customization options ... Read More

How to add vertical skew to a canvas-type text using Fabric.js?



Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:43:22


To add vertical skew to a canvas-type text using Fabric.js, we first need to create a text object. Next, we can use the "setSkewY" method and pass in the desired degree of skew as a parameter. Finally, we can call the "renderAll" method to update the canvas with the skewed ... Read More

How to Add a Third Party Library in Deno.js?



Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:41:03


To add a third-party library in Deno, we need to import the library from its URL. We can use the "import" statement followed by the URL of the library. It is also possible to use a local file path instead of a URL. The library can then be used in ... Read More

How to add a theme to your webpage using Bootswatch in a ReactJS project?



Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:35:07

1K+ Views

We first need to install the react-bootstrap and bootswatch packages using npm. Next, we import the desired theme from bootswatch and apply it to our React components using the 'import' and 'className' properties. Lastly, we can easily switch between themes by simply changing the imported theme. Let us first understand ... Read More

How to add target=”_blank” to a link using jQuery?



Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:32:40

6K+ Views

We can add the target attribute to a link using jQuery by selecting the desired link using a selector, such as the class or id. Then, we can use the .attr() method to add the target attribute and set its value to "_blank". This will ensure that when the link ... Read More

How to add Tag Input in ReactJS?



Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:29:14

4K+ Views

We can add a tag input in NextJS by creating a new component for the input field and using the onChange event to handle the inputted tags. We can also use the state to store the tags and display them as they are inputted. Finally, we can add a button ... Read More

How to add Summernote Editor to the webpage in Javascript?



Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:25:44

3K+ Views

To add Summernote Editor in a webpage, we first need to include the Summernote CSS and JS files in the head of our HTML document. Next, we need to initialize the Summernote editor on a specific text area or div element by calling the Summernote function on it. Finally, we ... Read More

How to add a stylesheet in Next.js?



Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:21:30

9K+ Views

We can add a stylesheet in Next.js by creating a CSS file in the "pages" directory and importing it in the desired component. We can also use CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-jsx for styling in Next.js. It is important to note that the styles will only be scoped to the component ... Read More

How to add a Stateful component without a constructor class in React?



Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:18:10


We can add a stateful component without using a constructor class by using the useState hook. This hook allows us to create and update state within our component without the need for a constructor. To use this hook, we simply call the useState function and pass in our initial state ... Read More

How to Add a Star Rating Component in NextJS?



Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:15:19

3K+ Views

We can add a star rating feature in NextJS by using a library such as react-star-rating. This library allows us to easily display a star rating system and allows for customization of the number of stars and the ability to handle user interactions.Next.js is an open-source web development framework. The ... Read More
