AmitDiwan has Published 11365 Articles

Absolute Positioning Using CSS



Updated on 27-Oct-2023 14:03:17


We can define positioning of an element in CSS as absolute which renders the element relative to the first positioned (except static) parent. Elements with positioning method as absolute are positioned by CSS Positioning properties (left, right, top and bottom). The position property has the following values − static ... Read More

A Practical Guide to Font Styling using CSS



Updated on 27-Oct-2023 14:01:28


CSS plays a key role in font styling. The CSS font properties allow us to change the font-family, font-size, font-weight, font-kerning, and a lot more properties. The CSS font property is a shorthand for font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-size/line-height and font-family. Further, we can apply styles to the text through text-decoration ... Read More

Create a tabbed navigation menu with Bootstrap



Updated on 27-Oct-2023 11:40:14


To create a tabbed navigation menu, start with a basic unordered list with the base class of .nav and add class .nav-tabs. The navigation tab looks like the following on a web page − Create a Navigation tab Create a navigation tab with nav and nav-tabs − ... Read More

How to create a mega menu (full-width dropdown menu in a navigation bar) with HTML and CSS?



Updated on 27-Oct-2023 11:31:35

2K+ Views

The mega menu includes the menus with dropdown menus. The dropdown will have a complete setup for creating rows and columns and adding content like this − The mega menu i.e., the full-width dropdown menu in a navigation bar appears like this − On clicking the Projects dropdown ... Read More

How to create a responsive navigation bar with dropdown in CSS?



Updated on 27-Oct-2023 11:28:14

2K+ Views

To create a responsive navigation bar, the media queries are used. Media Queries is used when you need to set a style to different devices such as tablet, mobile, desktop, etc. The navigation bar with dropdown looks like the following. The dropdown menu is having Contact Us, Visit Us, and ... Read More

How to create a bottom navigation menu with CSS?



Updated on 27-Oct-2023 11:22:11

1K+ Views

To create a bottom navigation menu, set the nav element with the bottom and position properties. The position property is set to fixed and the bottom is set to 0px. The bottom navigation menu looks like the following on a web page. The menu is placed is fixed in the ... Read More

How to create an animated, closable side navigation menu with CSS?



Updated on 27-Oct-2023 11:14:40


To create an animated, closable side navigation menu, provide a mechanism to close and open it on the click on a button. The menu is opened with a button and closed with x. The event listened is used for the same and the functions are called to set the width ... Read More

Print Single and Multiple variable in Python?



Updated on 26-Oct-2023 03:30:56

24K+ Views

To easily display single and multiple variables in Python, use the print() statement. For multiple variables, use the comma operators. Variables are reserved memory locations to store values. It means that when you create a variable, you reserve some space in the memory. Based on the data type of a ... Read More

Trim a string in Java to remove leading and trailing spaces



Updated on 22-Oct-2023 02:12:16

21K+ Views

To remove leading and trailing spaces in Java, use the trim() method. This method returns a copy of this string with leading and trailing white space removed, or this string if it has no leading or trailing white space.Let’s say the following is our string with leading and trailing spaces ... Read More

How to easily insert datetime in MySQL?



Updated on 04-Oct-2023 21:39:34

25K+ Views

You can easily insert DateTime with the MySQL command line. Following is the syntax − insert into yourTableName values(‘yourDateTimeValue’); Let us first create a table − mysql> create table DemoTable (    DateOfBirth datetime ); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.97 sec) Insert some records in the table using insert ... Read More
