Akshaya Daga has Published 222 Articles

How Should You Prepare Your Organization for Digital Transformation?

Akshaya Daga

Akshaya Daga

Updated on 10-Mar-2023 17:56:16


Every organization in the business world, irrespective of the industry, has understood that they need digital transformation in their business model to survive and thrive in the cutthroat business environment. Digital transformation will help businesses not only produce better and more but also sell more. Digital transformation opens up the ... Read More

How Are Top Companies Using the Design Thinking Techniques?

Akshaya Daga

Akshaya Daga

Updated on 10-Mar-2023 17:54:06


Design thinking is a human-centric, customer-centric, and creative way to solve modern-day complicated business issues. The world today is running on data, automation, and generalization. Design thinking, on the other hand, dares to be different. It is a very subjective form of problem-solving, and it helps the companies get an ... Read More

What Are the Benefits of an HR Dashboard and How to Create One?

Akshaya Daga

Akshaya Daga

Updated on 10-Mar-2023 16:14:31


Data is the fuel that runs the business world today. Data is present everywhere. The Human Resources department, just like other functional departments today, is using its internal data and industry-standard data to produce impeccable learnings. Human capital is the most important capital in the business, so businesses must take ... Read More

The Five Steps of the Design Thinking Process

Akshaya Daga

Akshaya Daga

Updated on 10-Mar-2023 16:13:35


Businesses today revolve around the satisfaction of consumers. Consumers are spoiled with choices today, and every day a new brand comes up with a similar product but at a lower price. Hence, in this tough time, what can help a business thrive in the short term as well as the ... Read More

The Concept of Applied Ethics and Business

Akshaya Daga

Akshaya Daga

Updated on 10-Mar-2023 16:12:30


Ethics define how people should behave in certain situations. There is no right or wrong when it comes to ethics because it is an individual's judgment. In simple terms, the majority considers ethics to be good. "Applied ethics" in ethics means the practical aspect of ethics. What would be the ... Read More

Feedback and Effectiveness of an Advertisement

Akshaya Daga

Akshaya Daga

Updated on 27-Feb-2023 15:11:26


The only thing that sells is the thing that is visible in the market. We are all well aware of the significance of corporate advertising and marketing of products, services, and brands. Companies today are spending billions of dollars every year on their advertising and marketing budgets. All are involved ... Read More

Is It Possible to Do Digital Marketing Without Social Media Marketing?

Akshaya Daga

Akshaya Daga

Updated on 27-Feb-2023 13:26:15


The business world is moving towards digital infrastructure. Traditional marketing activities are now being replaced with digital marketing activities. We have different segments in the digital marketing mix that help the company target a different set of consumers based on their age, gender, income, profession, desire, interest, habits, and the ... Read More

Is It Important to Learn Digital Marketing for an E-commerce Business?

Akshaya Daga

Akshaya Daga

Updated on 27-Feb-2023 13:11:52


Digital marketing is the future of all marketing activities because, first, the entire business world is moving to digital infrastructure, and second, consumers are more active on the internet. Out of the world's 8 billion people, 4.7 billion use social media or the internet on a regular basis. Since consumers ... Read More

How to Switch to Digital Marketing as a Career?

Akshaya Daga

Akshaya Daga

Updated on 27-Feb-2023 13:10:33


The trick to getting the best salary and staying relevant and valuable in the job market is to be on top of your career graph. If you are a fresher, you should be doing something that the industry demands. Currently, the world is moving toward digital infrastructure. where all four ... Read More

How to Do Digital Marketing from Home

Akshaya Daga

Akshaya Daga

Updated on 27-Feb-2023 13:10:05


COVID-19 has given us the much-needed push to utilize the digital infrastructure in place. Before COVID-19, we had an online working system, an online payment system, an online shopping system, an online education system, an online marketing system, and others, but they were not much developed because consumers were reluctant ... Read More
