Akshay Khot has Published 37 Articles

Explain the purpose of the Program class in ASP.NET Core

Akshay Khot

Akshay Khot

Updated on 22-Jun-2021 14:52:47


An ASP.NET Core application starts similarly to a .NET Console application. It uses the Main() method defined in the Program.cs file as the entry point of the application. The framework calls the Main() method whenever you start the web application.In the ASP.NET Core application, the Main() method builds and runs ... Read More

Explain the purpose of the .csproj file in an ASP.NET application

Akshay Khot

Akshay Khot

Updated on 22-Jun-2021 14:52:10

3K+ Views

The .csproj file tells dotnet how to build the ASP.NET application. It’s one of the most important files in an ASP.NET project.An ASP.NET project can depend on third-party libraries developed by other developers. Usually, these libraries are installed as Nuget packages using Nuget package manager. Once you install a package ... Read More

Explain how to create a new ASP.NET Core project

Akshay Khot

Akshay Khot

Updated on 22-Jun-2021 14:51:25


Before you begin with ASP.NET Core, you need to install the .NET software development kit (SDK) using the following link.Download .NET SDKTo check if everything is installed correctly, open a new terminal window and run the following command:$ dotnet --versionIf the installation was successful, the program should report its version, ... Read More

Explain the HTTP request-response lifecycle in ASP.NET Core.

Akshay Khot

Akshay Khot

Updated on 22-Jun-2021 14:50:25

1K+ Views

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is an application-level protocol. Whenever you visit a website in your browser, it uses the HTTP protocol to communicate with the server.An HTTP request consists of a verb, such as GET, a POST, PUT, Delete, etc. The verb indicates the type of HTTP ... Read More

What are the benefits of choosing ASP.NET Core over ASP.NET?

Akshay Khot

Akshay Khot

Updated on 22-Jun-2021 14:49:49

2K+ Views

ASP.NET Core is a high-performance, cross-platform, and open-source framework. It allows you to build modern, cloud-enabled, and Internet-connected apps.With ASP.NET Core, you can:Build web applications and services, Internet of Things (IoT) apps, and backends for mobile applications.Work on your favorite operating system such as Windows, macOS, or Linux, and choose ... Read More

What is ASP.NET Core? Explain how it's different from the ASP.NET framework.

Akshay Khot

Akshay Khot

Updated on 22-Jun-2021 14:49:11


ASP.NET Core is an open-source web application framework developed by Microsoft. It’s cross-platform and runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Though Microsoft primarily develops it, many developers worldwide contribute to it. It’s completely free to use for commercial or hobby applications, and there are no fees or licensing costs.ASP.NET is ... Read More

Explain how logging works in ASP.NET Core

Akshay Khot

Akshay Khot

Updated on 22-Jun-2021 14:48:35

6K+ Views

Logging is the process of recording events in software as they happen in real-time, along with other information such as the infrastructure details, time taken to execute, etc. Logging is an essential part of any software application. Having logs is crucial, especially when things go wrong. Logs help you understand ... Read More

Explain the MVC pattern in ASP.NET

Akshay Khot

Akshay Khot

Updated on 22-Jun-2021 14:47:55


MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. It is an architectural pattern for software applications. Trygve Reenskaug came up with the pattern in 1979 for developing interactive applications. In this pattern, the application is divided into three components: models, views, and controllers.ModelThe model maintains the state of the application. The state can be ... Read More

Explain the role of HttpContext class in ASP.NET Core

Akshay Khot

Akshay Khot

Updated on 22-Jun-2021 13:27:54

6K+ Views

The HttpContext encapsulates all the HTTP-specific information about a single HTTP request.When an HTTP request arrives at the server, the server processes the request and builds an HttpContext object. This object represents the request which your application code can use to create the response.The HttpContext object constructed by the ASP.NET ... Read More

How does ASP.NET Core provide data access with Entity Framework?

Akshay Khot

Akshay Khot

Updated on 22-Jun-2021 13:24:03


Entity Framework is an ORM (object-relational mapper) framework that makes it easy to create, retrieve, update, or delete data from relational databases. Using Entity Framework, you can work with C# objects that abstract the database related code, so you rarely have to deal with raw SQL.The following figure illustrates where ... Read More
