Akhil Sharma has Published 671 Articles

Haskell Program to Check if two strings are anagram

Akhil Sharma

Akhil Sharma

Updated on 24-Apr-2023 11:36:12


In Haskell we can check if given two strings are anagram or not using sort function and freqMap. What is Anagram? An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original letters exactly once. For example, ... Read More

Haskell Program to Check Palindrome

Akhil Sharma

Akhil Sharma

Updated on 24-Apr-2023 11:34:26


This tutorial will help us in checking if any number is palindrome number or not using user-defined function and boolean functions in haskell. A palindrome number is a number that remains the same when its digits are reversed. The following example will give you a clear idea about Palindrome number. ... Read More

Haskell Program to create Complex numbers from given imaginary parts

Akhil Sharma

Akhil Sharma

Updated on 24-Apr-2023 11:33:39


In this article we are going to use the internal function of Haskell like Data.complex and Prelude to create a complex number from a given imaginary parts. This tutorial will help us in creating the complex number from the given imaginary part. The imaginary part of a complex number is ... Read More

Haskell Program to convert double type variables to string

Akhil Sharma

Akhil Sharma

Updated on 20-Apr-2023 12:03:54


In Haskell, we will convert double type variables into string by using user-defined function, doubleToString along with show function and Text.Printf and Data.Text module. In the first example, we are going to use ( let valueString = show input) and in the second example, we are going to ... Read More

Haskell Program to convert string variables to double

Akhil Sharma

Akhil Sharma

Updated on 20-Apr-2023 12:03:17


In Haskell, we will convert string type variables into double by using user-defined function, stringToDouble along with read annotation, readMaybe and double functions. In the first example, we are going to use ( let value = read input :: Double) and in the second example, we are going ... Read More

Haskell Program to convert double type variables to int

Akhil Sharma

Akhil Sharma

Updated on 20-Apr-2023 12:02:45


In Haskell, we will convert double type variables into int by using user-defined function, doubleToInt along with floor, round and ceiling functions. In the first example, we are going to use (doubleToInt d = floor d) function and in the second example, we are going to use (doubleToInt d ... Read More

Haskell Program to convert int type variables to double

Akhil Sharma

Akhil Sharma

Updated on 20-Apr-2023 12:02:13


In Haskell, we will convert int type variables into double by using user-defined function, intToDouble along with fromIntegral, realToFrac and realPart functions. In the first example, we are going to use (intToDouble n = fromIntegral n) function and in the second example, we are going to use (intToDouble n ... Read More

Haskell Program to convert int type variables to String

Akhil Sharma

Akhil Sharma

Updated on 20-Apr-2023 12:01:17

1K+ Views

In Haskell, we will convert int type variables into string by using user-defined function, intToString along with show, map and printf functions. In the first example, we are going to use (intToString n = show n) function and in the second example, we are going to use (intToString n ... Read More

Haskell Program to convert string type variables into int

Akhil Sharma

Akhil Sharma

Updated on 20-Apr-2023 12:00:41


In Haskell, we will convert string type variables into integer by using user-defined function, stringToInt along with read and readMaybe functions. This can also be implemented using pattern matching and recursion. In the first example, we are going to use (stringToInt str = readMaybe str) function and in the second ... Read More

Haskell Program to convert string type variables into boolean

Akhil Sharma

Akhil Sharma

Updated on 20-Apr-2023 12:00:01


In Haskell, we will convert string type variables into boolean by using user-defined function, stringToBool along with Maybe Bool, toLower and readMaybe functions. In the first example, we are going to use (stringToBool :: String -> Maybe Bool) function and in the second example, we are going to use (stringToBool ... Read More
