Abhishek Sengupta has Published 66 Articles

Public Policy Principles Towards Marketing

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 22-Jun-2022 12:49:38


The concept of public policy marketing could allow governments to "sell" their policies to citizens through non-commercial marketing interactions that are unique to the public sector. Then, social behavior should be viewed as citizens' reciprocation, contributing to the government's desired social outcomes. Public policy marketing is predicted to improve the ... Read More

What is a Marketing Environment Audit?

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 22-Jun-2022 12:46:59


Kotler and Keller (2007) defined marketing audit as the “…comprehensive, systematic, analysis, evaluation, and the interpretation of the business marketing environment, both internal and external, its goals, objectives, strategies, principles to ascertain the areas of problem and opportunities and to recommend a plan of action to enhance the firm’s marketing ... Read More

What is Competitive Marketing Positioning?

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 22-Jun-2022 12:44:14


Competitive Positioning: Definition & ExampleCompetitive positioning is a marketing strategy that relates to how a company's marketing team can set itself apart from its rivals. The company's position is determined by how its goods and services compare to the value of similar goods and services on the market. To make ... Read More

Economic Models of Consumer Behavior

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 22-Jun-2022 12:39:09


What is Consumer Behavior?According to Business Dictionary, “Consumer buying behavior is the process by which individuals search for, select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods and services, in satisfaction of their needs and wants”. The following definition is also used in numerous research journals. “Consumer behavior is the study of ... Read More

What is meant by Consumer Decision-Making?

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 22-Jun-2022 11:34:41


What is Consumer Behavior?According to Business Dictionary, “Consumer buying behavior is the process by which individuals search for, select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods and services, in satisfaction of their needs and wants”. The following definition is also used in numerous research journals. “Consumer behavior is the study of ... Read More

What is Market Segmentation?

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 22-Jun-2022 11:24:26


Market Segmentation − DefinitionMarket segmentation is a business practice that brands use to segregate their target market into smaller and more manageable groups based on common grounds to optimize their marketing, advertising, and sales efforts. Simply put, customers of each market segment have similar characteristics that businesses can leverage to ... Read More

What is meant by Market Targeting?

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 22-Jun-2022 11:21:10


Market Targeting − DefinitionA corporation cannot focus on all market segments at the same time. Only a few segments can be satisfied by the company.The act of picking the target audience from the total market is known as market targeting. The target market is made up of a group or ... Read More

Components of a Company's Macro Environment

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 14-Jun-2022 09:08:44

3K+ Views

The world at large forms the external environment for businesses. A company must confront, adapt to, take advantage of, and defend itself against what is happening in the world around it to succeed. To make gathering and interpreting information about the external environment easier, strategic analysts have defined several general ... Read More

Components of a Company's Microenvironment

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 13-Jun-2022 12:43:20

4K+ Views

What is Microenvironment?Microenvironment refers to the environment comprising of all the elements of an organization’s immediate environment which influences the performance of the company, as they have a direct bearing on the firm’s regular business operations.The microenvironment is popularly referred to as task environment or operating environment.Important Elements of MicroenvironmentLet ... Read More

Basic Modes of Marketing Entry

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 13-Jun-2022 12:40:55


The mode of entry is the path or the channel set by a company to enter into the international market.Ways to Enter Foreign MarketSome of the ways or modes of entering a foreign market are as discussed below.ExportingExporting is a cross-border sale of domestically grown or produced goods.Indirect ExportingIndirect exporting ... Read More
