Abhishek Sengupta has Published 66 Articles

What is Marketing Myopia?

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 14-Sep-2022 09:04:16


What is meant by Marketing Myopia? Theodor Levitt first proposed the phrase "market myopia" in a marketing report. In 1960, he made the claim that businesses may do more than merely selling their wares in an article that appeared in the Harvard Business Review. His key argument was that ... Read More

What is SIVA Model of Marketing?

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 14-Sep-2022 09:01:55

2K+ Views

What is SIVA Marketing Model? The existence of any business is essentially justified by its customers. Customers can be consumers who buy goods and/or services or business-to-business clients. In a market economy, a business thrives by creating products and providing services that consumers are eager to pay for. Therefore, determining ... Read More

What is Event Marketing?

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 14-Sep-2022 08:59:37


What is Event Marketing? (with example) Event marketing is the practice of a business sponsoring or participating in an event to promote its goods or services. To build solid bonds with their customers and enhance the brand's reputation, marketing teams organize marketing events as well. Online conferences and open-air seminars ... Read More

What is Promotion Mix?

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 14-Sep-2022 08:56:42

1K+ Views

What is Promotion Mix in Marketing? To accomplish a certain marketing objective, a promotional mix combines marketing strategies such as direct marketing, sales, public relations, and advertising. Usually, the promotional mix is just a small component of the overall marketing mix. You might want to adopt a couple of ... Read More

What is the Concept of B2B and B2C Marketing?

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 14-Sep-2022 08:53:33


Sales are the ultimate objective of marketing, which includes a wide range of activities. The development of B2B and B2C marketing concepts has received a lot of attention as globalisation, consumerism, and trade have all progressed. Let's go over these carefully. What is B2B Marketing? Business-to-business marketing, as its ... Read More

What is Price Mix in Marketing?

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 14-Sep-2022 08:50:10

2K+ Views

Price Mix in Marketing A sale is likely to occur only if the product is priced fairly, even if it is brilliant, in the right place, with excellent advertising. As a result, one of the most important elements influencing a buyer's choice is pricing. The position of a business might ... Read More

Differences between Consumerism and Environmentalism

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 22-Jun-2022 14:43:00

1K+ Views

Consumerism and Environmentalism are often viewed as mutually opposing constructs. While consumerism emphasizes on the accumulation and consumption of material resources, environmentalism advocates resource conservation and long-term sustainability.Philip Kotler defines consumerism as a "social movement seeking to augment the rights and power of buyers in relation to sellers" (1972).ConsumerismConsumerism is ... Read More

Difference between Demarketing and Remarketing

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 22-Jun-2022 14:40:57


What is Demarketing?Demarketing is a process in which a company develops strategies to reduce the consumption of a product. While traditional marketing often encourages customers to purchase more products, demarketing aims to limit a product's reach.Companies can use it in a variety of situations to control product use, price, or ... Read More

What is the Importance of Marketing Ethics?

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 22-Jun-2022 14:38:27

5K+ Views

Marketing Ethics: Definition and RoleMarketing Ethics can be defined as the set of guidelines and the area of applied ethics that act as a guiding light behind the scope of marketing. Some of the areas of marketing ethics overlap with the ethics of media as they both are co-related.Marketing ethics ... Read More

What is a Buyer's Rate of Adoption?

Abhishek Sengupta

Abhishek Sengupta

Updated on 22-Jun-2022 12:51:29


What is Customer Adoption?You hope that when you release new products, services, tools, or features, your consumers will want to upgrade, purchase, or integrate the new product into their workflow. That is exactly what customer adoption implies. It is about assisting customers in adopting new products and services.Customer adoption is ... Read More
