Abhishek has Published 83 Articles

How to change the value of a global variable inside of a function using JavaScript?



Updated on 17-Feb-2023 11:44:02

4K+ Views

There are two types of variables can be declared in any programming languages in context of their accessing scope. The Local variable and the Global variable. Global Scoped Variables − The global scoped variables are the variables which are declared globally inside the code file and can be accessed by ... Read More

What is Unary Negation Operator (-) in JavaScript?



Updated on 06-Jan-2023 12:13:33


The Unary Negation Operator first converts the operand into a number, and after that it negates. It operates on a single operand. It returns the negation of the operand. A boolean operand is converted to 0 or 1, and then negation is done. Similarly, a number with a base other ... Read More

What is Subtraction Operator (-) in JavaScript?



Updated on 06-Jan-2023 12:07:26

1K+ Views

The subtraction operator is also known as the minus operator. It is a binary operator that means it requires at least two operands to operate on. It will not work with a single operand. Generally, the subtraction operator subtracts or minus the value of the second operand from the first ... Read More

How to split JavaScript Number into individual digits?



Updated on 25-Nov-2022 08:22:16

4K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will learn how we can split a JavaScript number into individual digits. Sometimes, we need to split the number into individual digits to accomplish the task given to us like checking for the palindrome number. Let us discuss the methods to split numbers into digits. ... Read More

What is Modulus Operator (%) in JavaScript?



Updated on 25-Nov-2022 08:07:45

1K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will learn about the modulus operator in JavaScript. In some languages, the modulus operator is also known as the remainder operator. The remainder operator and the modulus operator both are used to get the remainder of an integer when it is divided by some other integer, ... Read More

How to use JavaScript DOM to change the padding of a table?



Updated on 25-Nov-2022 08:01:56


In this tutorial, we learn to use JavaScript DOM to change the padding of a table. To change the padding of a table, use the DOM padding property. The HTML table is used to display the relational data on the user screen. We can easily show the related or dependent ... Read More

How to turn JavaScript array into the comma-separated list?



Updated on 25-Nov-2022 07:54:13

10K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will learn how we can change the elements of a JavaScript array in a comma-separated list. Sometimes, we need the elements of a JavaScript array in a format that is not returned by the array itself by default, so we need to write some extra code ... Read More

How to test if an element contains class in JavaScript in HTML?



Updated on 25-Nov-2022 07:50:49

9K+ Views

In JavaScript, we can check for particular class whether it is contained by an HTML element or not, in the HTML document. During the development of the web page, a developer uses many classes and sometimes assign similar classes to different elements which requires same styles in CSS. In this ... Read More

How to use JavaScript to replace the content of a document with JavaScript?



Updated on 25-Nov-2022 07:35:35

2K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will learn how we can use JavaScript to replace the content of a HTML document. In JavaScript, we can change the content of HTML document with a combination of following methods − open − The open method is used to open a new document which ... Read More

How to use JavaScript to load a webpage after 5 seconds?



Updated on 25-Nov-2022 07:20:43

13K+ Views

In this tutorial, we learn to use JavaScript to load a webpage after 5 seconds. We use the setTimeout() function in JavaScript to load a webpage after some interval. This function waits for some seconds and then loads the web page. We could also apply the setInterval() method to perform ... Read More
