Abhishek has Published 83 Articles

How to make the cursor to hand when a user hovers over a list item using CSS?



Updated on 08-May-2023 16:40:25


In general, if we hover or take the cursor over an element in HTML document the cursor by default appears as an arrow or a selector if we hover it over a text. But, we can change the behaviour of the cursor on hover to selected elements to any type ... Read More

How to retrieve stored value from div element using jQuery?



Updated on 08-May-2023 16:38:44


In some situations, we need to retrieve or get the text value stored inside a particular div element to use some condition, if the text is dynamic or for some other tasks in jQuery. By getting the value stored in the div element, we can perform any task based on ... Read More

How to reverse array of DOM elements using jQuery?



Updated on 08-May-2023 16:36:58


The array of DOM elements is an array of same multiple elements or of those elements which contains same class or the selecting attribute. Our task is to reverse an array of DOM elements using jQuery. There will be a lot of ways to reverse an array of DOM elements. ... Read More

How to Change the Time Interval of setinterval() Method at RunTime using JavaScript ?



Updated on 17-Feb-2023 11:57:00

2K+ Views

The setInterval() method is used to call a particular block of code again and again after a particular interval of time that is given to it in its round braces as parameter. The setInterval() method accepts two parameters, the first is the code that has to be executed again and ... Read More

How to change the text of a label using JavaScript?



Updated on 17-Feb-2023 11:55:49

4K+ Views

Before going to learn about the method of changing the text of a label element in HTML document, let us understand what is the label tag itself? The label tag helps in improving the usability of the web page for mouse users, as it can toggle the text inside it ... Read More

How to change the text and image by just clicking a button in JavaScript?



Updated on 17-Feb-2023 11:54:44

19K+ Views

The text given to an particular element and the image given in an img element can be easily changed using the JavaScript. We can use the onclick event with the button element in the HTML document to make this happen when the button is clicked. To change the text on ... Read More

How to change the src attribute of an img element in JavaScript / jQuery?



Updated on 17-Feb-2023 11:53:22

14K+ Views

There are different methods to change the path of an image given to the src attribute of an img element in HTML document using the JavaScript as well as jQuery. Method of changing the src attribute of an img element using JavaScript − Use the src property in JavaScript. ... Read More

How to change the shape of a textarea using JavaScript?



Updated on 17-Feb-2023 11:51:52


Textarea is a type of box with dynamic width and height, that means when the text is entered inside it, the text will not overflow and will only be contained by this texarea as it can dynamically increase or decrease its height and width. The textarea is mainly used inside ... Read More

How to change the ID of the element using JavaScript?



Updated on 17-Feb-2023 11:49:19

3K+ Views

Generally, the ID given to any element in an HTML document is unique and can be assign to an element only once. But it is possible to change that id later using the JavaScript following the same rule of uniqueness for new ID as well as only single element can ... Read More

How to debug JavaScript Program?



Updated on 17-Feb-2023 11:47:30


While programming in any programming language, it is very general to do the mistakes in the logic building or in following the syntax rules of a language, which results in formation of errors and failure of our code to perform every task as expected. In this article, we are going ... Read More

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