Abhimanyu V has Published 150 Articles

Frugal Innovations to Help Small to Medium Businesses Create Value for Profits and Return

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 12-May-2023 15:50:21


Frugal innovation is the discipline of developing excellent reasonably priced services or products that are intended to satisfy the demands of consumers in low-income markets. This idea came up as a result of the growing realization that the conventional development paradigm, which prioritizes pricey and advanced services and products, may ... Read More

Crisis Leadership: How to Lead Your Organization Through Challenging Times

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 12-May-2023 15:49:33


Managing an organization during an occurrence or calamity is referred to as crisis leadership. Any unanticipated occurrence or circumstance that puts a company's everyday operations in danger and necessitates quick action is referred to as a crisis. Epidemics, recessions, online assaults, and catastrophes from nature are a few instances of ... Read More

Are Companies Accountable When Consumers Misuse Their Products?

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 12-May-2023 15:48:12


It is the obligation of businesses to guarantee that their goods are trustworthy, safe, and live up to the demands of customers. This duty goes beyond production to cover the full product lifespan, from conception and advancement to recycling and regeneration. Making sure that customers may safely use what ... Read More

Why Organizational Innovation Is So Difficult

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:51:59


In order to improve a firm's productivity, effectiveness, and attractiveness, new concepts, procedures, or technologies must be introduced within that organization. It entails coming up with original answers to organizational problems, putting them into practice, and continually enhancing the manner in which things happen. Organizational innovation may occur in ... Read More

Top Challenges of Implementing a Management Style

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:51:03


While working in business may be rewarding and prosperous, there are also challenges and challenging times that come with the job. Directors must understand how to handle these situations so they can inspire their teams to improve and succeed in the workplace. You may assess if a job in managing ... Read More

Relationship between Organizational Culture, Leadership Behavior, and Job Satisfaction

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:50:15


The phrase "organizational culture" reflects the mindsets and ideas that have continuously permeated a company, as well as the staff members' views and the anticipated worth of their job. These opinions and standards will affect employees' emotions and conduct. To fulfill the initial goals, system administrators modify their management ... Read More

Measuring and Maintaining Employee Happiness

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:49:07


Professional well-being and contentment, often known as job satisfaction, are crucial components of any organization's growth. It describes the degree of fulfillment, happiness, and joy that person feels when employed by a business. Organizational climate has a beneficial effect on job productivity, absences, and staff turnover since it increases ... Read More

Unique Branding Ideas & Examples

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 10-Apr-2023 14:16:33


After digital marketing entered the scene, the word "business branding" was given a completely new definition. The times of having to spell down the names of the businesses or consumers you wanted to reach out to with brochures or other promotional materials so they could learn about your goods or ... Read More

The Power of Personalization: Using Data to Deliver Tailored Marketing Messages

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 10-Apr-2023 14:11:45


When it comes to digital marketing, personalization is the process of adjusting marketing messages, information, and interactions to the unique requirements, objectives, opinions, and behaviors of different clients. With each consumer, a customized experience is generated by gathering and examining data about their characteristics, viewing patterns, past purchases, use ... Read More

Ethics of Digital Marketing: Balancing Business Goals with Consumer Privacy and Transparency

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 10-Apr-2023 14:10:46


In today's modern corporate environment, digital marketing seems to have become crucial. It provides a practical means of interacting with clients, expanding the community, and boosting revenue. The ethical considerations around gathering data and confidentiality have, meanwhile, become more prominent as digital marketing keeps on evolving. This article will examine ... Read More

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