Abhimanyu V has Published 150 Articles

Robotic Process Automation Development Life Cycle (RDLC)

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 09-Dec-2022 06:19:19


RPA is a concept with a development life cycle that consists of the organisational processes that need to be automated; the requirements to be followed are: deploying a bot and continuing to monitor it after it completes a task. The RPA process flow is approached in a segmented manner so ... Read More

Comparison of RPA with Traditional Automation

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 09-Dec-2022 06:16:19


It is difficult to comprehend the distinctions between traditional automation and robotic process automation without first understanding what each term means. Let's begin by defining certain terms − A large number of repetitive and rule−based processes may be automated using software called robotic process automation (RPA). Designing and deploying software ... Read More

RPA Process Audit

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 09-Dec-2022 06:14:17


Procedures we perform at various stages in the audit lifecycle of RPA to address the specific risks emerging from an automated setup. The following points post lights the various phases of audit and the key considerations that the Management and the Auditors need to take care of − During ... Read More

RPA Implementation

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 09-Dec-2022 06:11:38


These days, businesses are weighed down by menial, repetitive operations that consume the majority of their time and resources yet nevertheless yield little. Organizations may automate these operations with the use of robotic process automation, which will also boost productivity. You'll be able to successfully install RPA with the aid ... Read More

List the industrial applications of RPA

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 09-Dec-2022 06:08:40


RPA in financial and business services Banks and other financial institutions are often the first to adopt cutting−edge technology. In addition to real−time account information, they already provide full−service online portals. Similar to how it can help them automate mortgage processing, anti−money−laundering, client request processing, account opening and know−your−customer (KYC), ... Read More

How is RPA User-Friendly?

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 08-Dec-2022 12:59:15


Automated method RPA is one of the more approachable automation techniques since it doesn't require specialized programming expertise, including coding, java, javascript, react, and other deep IT abilities. RPA software is user−friendly and simple to comprehend. By recording mouse clicks and keystrokes with an integrated screen recorder component, RPA technologies ... Read More

Different types of logs and their fields in RPA

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 08-Dec-2022 12:56:45


The word "log" has probably been used or seen in at least one circumstance if you've worked with software for any length of time. Some frequent expressions, particularly in relation to RPA, are "Add them to logs, " "verify the logs, " "do they belong to logs?, " these are ... Read More

What are the limitations of RPA?

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 08-Dec-2022 12:54:05

2K+ Views

RPA is still limited to humans for designing the workflow, it's not smart enough to build and self heal itself. Processes related to Live Monitoring example view real time Camera and taking actions. Taking actions based on real time Sentiment Analysis derived from Natural Language processing. Pre−build AI and ML ... Read More

What are the characteristics of RPA?

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 08-Dec-2022 12:51:58

1K+ Views

Without a question, today's organizations place a great value on efficiency. No of the market size or industry area, organizations look for ways to increase productivity by maximizing efficiency. Adopting RPA (Robotic Process Automation) into corporate tasks is one of the best strategies to make operations effective and lean. The ... Read More

Advantages of RPA Tool

Abhimanyu V

Abhimanyu V

Updated on 08-Dec-2022 12:49:46


RPA stands for robotic process automation. It is a computer programme or robot that simulates human interaction with digital systems to carry out business tasks. RPA, which is now the technology with the quickest growth rate, has the same capacity for data collection and application manipulation as people. RPA is ... Read More
