Aarti Kaushik has Published 75 Articles

X functions in Power BI

Aarti Kaushik

Aarti Kaushik

Updated on 03-Jan-2024 16:50:49


Introduction Power BI uses the programming language known as DAX where analysts may resolve complex problems and deploy business constraints. The alternative name of the X function is the iterator function. Distinct types of X functions are SUMX, AVERAGEX, MINX, COUNTX, and MAXX and two parameters would be specified inside ... Read More

How to develop a Slicer(new) to allow users to filter employees based on their job roles in Power BI?

Aarti Kaushik

Aarti Kaushik

Updated on 03-Jan-2024 16:49:57


Introduction In this article, we will elucidate how to insert a Slicer(new) to filter employee data according to their job roles. The Visual format option may be chosen to develop a more interactive slicer where boundaries, font size, and font color can also be edited. Slicer is an alternative way ... Read More

Create a simple clustered chart to show the Gender Distribution in the employee dataset

Aarti Kaushik

Aarti Kaushik

Updated on 03-Jan-2024 16:49:30


Introduction Visualization is an effective technique where the users can showcase their data in the presentation form. Numerous built-in visuals are available in Power BI tools like Simple clustered charts, Line charts, Heat maps, Funnels, Gauge charts, Pie charts, and so on. Through these visuals, the segregation of data based ... Read More

How to Create a Waterfall Chart in Power BI?

Aarti Kaushik

Aarti Kaushik

Updated on 03-Jan-2024 16:48:44


Introduction The waterfall chart denotes the increment or decrements in values that might change over time, as well as by year. Usually, the y-axis denotes a change in data values, and the x-axis denotes year, time, etc. For example, users can see the increment or decrease in net sales yearly ... Read More

How to create a Radial Gauge Chart in Power BI?

Aarti Kaushik

Aarti Kaushik

Updated on 03-Jan-2024 16:48:13


Introduction Users can identify the critical areas of businesses after monitoring numerous KPIs and visualize them through radial gauge charts. It comprises of semi-circular arc representing a solitary value that slowly reaches a destination value. Users may set the smallest value, destination value, and largest value, add a specific field ... Read More

How to create a Funnel Chart in Power BI?

Aarti Kaushik

Aarti Kaushik

Updated on 03-Jan-2024 16:47:37


Introduction A funnel chart is used to show how data is gradually reduced as it moves from one phase to the next. The final stage represents the highest value whereas the primary stage denotes the smallest value. Each of these stages' data is shown as a different percentage of 100% ... Read More

Generate a DAX measure to compute the average BMI for hypertension patients

Aarti Kaushik

Aarti Kaushik

Updated on 03-Jan-2024 16:46:36


Introduction In today's era, youngsters and older adults are suffering from hypertension and diabetes due to excessive work pressure. Manually calculating the average BMI in an enormous dataset is time-consuming for data analysts. To overcome this problem, the DAX measure is an excellent way to evaluate the average BMI of ... Read More

Explain the concept of Report View, Data View, and Model View in Power BI

Aarti Kaushik

Aarti Kaushik

Updated on 03-Jan-2024 16:44:59


Power BI is a good tool with three major views Report View, Data View, and Model View which we will discuss in this article. Power BI can be useful for an individual who wants to derive some useful insights from the data and permits users to visualize. In short, it ... Read More

How to compute the average monthly income for employees and illustrate it in a card visualization

Aarti Kaushik

Aarti Kaushik

Updated on 03-Jan-2024 15:39:19


Introduction Power BI is an awesome tool for creating interactive reports and modeling data. Various built-in visuals are exclusive in the Visualization pane where measures, aggregation functions, and so on can be applied to construct the specific model. A card visual is one of the crucial visuals where a computed ... Read More

Advanced Filtering: How to create a Slicer in Power BI?

Aarti Kaushik

Aarti Kaushik

Updated on 03-Jan-2024 14:55:27


Introduction Users may populate the selected employee data through the slicer on the dashboard. Two options Filter and Slicer assist users in filtering data. Slicers are more flexible and dynamic, provide quick accessibility of data, are easily embedded into the Report editor, and are also compatible with other charts. The ... Read More

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