Vikyath Ram has Published 150 Articles

How can we add columns with default values to an existing MySQL table?

Vikyath Ram

Vikyath Ram

Updated on 29-Jan-2020 05:42:28

3K+ Views

While adding columns to an existing table with the help of ALTER command we can specify the default value also.SyntaxAlter table table-name ADD (column-name datatype default data);ExampleIn the example below, with the help of ALTER Command, column ‘City’ is added with default value ‘DELHI’ to the table ‘Student’.mysql> Alter table ... Read More

In case of FOREIGN KEY constraint, what kind of relationship is there between MySQL parent and child tables?

Vikyath Ram

Vikyath Ram

Updated on 28-Jan-2020 07:11:41


The relationship between parent and child table is One-to-Many relationship. It can be understood with the example of two tables named ‘customer’ and ‘orders’. Here, ‘customer’ is the parent table and ‘orders’ is the child table. The relationship is one-to—many because a customer can have more than one order. It ... Read More

How to set the color of the outline around an element with JavaScript?

Vikyath Ram

Vikyath Ram

Updated on 24-Jan-2020 06:47:38


To set the outline color, use the outlineColor property. You can try to run the following code to set the color of the outline around an element with JavaScript:ExampleLive Demo                    #box {             width: ... Read More

Information for obsolete functions in SAP ABAP

Vikyath Ram

Vikyath Ram

Updated on 05-Dec-2019 10:21:38


Generally, the information is present in the obsolete function module documentation itself. Here is snapshot of information for “DOWNLOAD” function.

Deleting from temporary table in SAP HANA

Vikyath Ram

Vikyath Ram

Updated on 05-Dec-2019 09:42:28


The temporary tables are session specific. So you would require to use truncate instead of delete as followstruncate table #temptable;Also, could you please check your release? In the recent releases, delete also works fine. Here is an example:Drop table #temptable; Create local temporary table #temptable(id integer, str nvarchar(30)); Insert into ... Read More

Call screen on clicking the button in SAP ABAP

Vikyath Ram

Vikyath Ram

Updated on 05-Dec-2019 09:17:37

3K+ Views

Please follow the steps below to make it functional.First, open the screen painterNow, double click on the button you want to make functionalAbove “Context Menu Form", you will find a field to enter Functional code where you enter the functional code.This will convert your button to functional trigger theOK code ... Read More

Merging 2 tables with similar column name SAP HANA database

Vikyath Ram

Vikyath Ram

Updated on 05-Dec-2019 09:11:29


This can be done by using UNION or UNION ALL operator as followsselect id, Empl_name, DeptId from table1 union select id, Empl_name, DeptId from table2 The difference between UNION and UNION ALL is that UNION removes the duplicates while UNION ALL shows duplicates as well.

The ResultSet updateRow() method with example

Vikyath Ram

Vikyath Ram

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26

2K+ Views

When we execute certain SQL queries (SELECT query in general) they return tabular data.The java.sql.ResultSet interface represents such tabular data returned by the SQL statements.i.e. the ResultSet object holds the tabular data returned by the methods that execute the statements which quires the database (executeQuery() method of the Statement interface in ... Read More

Java ResultSetMetaData getColumnDisplaySize() method with example

Vikyath Ram

Vikyath Ram

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The getColumnDisplaySize() method of the ResultSetMetaData (interface) retrieves the display size of a particular column.This method returns an integer value representing the display size of the column.To get the ResultSetMetaData object, you need to −Register the Driver: Select the required database register the Driver class of the particular database using ... Read More

Java ResultSetMetaData getColumnTypeName() method with example

Vikyath Ram

Vikyath Ram

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The getColumnTypeName() method of the ResultSetMetaData (interface) retrieves and returns the name of the datatype of the specified column in the current ResultSet object.This method accepts an integer value representing the index of a column and, returns a String value representing the name of the SQL data type of the specified ... Read More

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